Showing posts with label basmati brown rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basmati brown rice. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Health Benefits of Brown rice

Brown rice :is an unrefined and unpolished whole grain which is produced by just removing the surrounding hull of the rice kernel. Brown rice grain retains its nutrient-dense bran and germ layer. It is chewier as compared to white rice and has a nutty flavor.
A popular choice for digestive aid, brown rice offers 3.5 grams of fiber in one cup. It also contains more vitamins and iron as compared to white rice, making it a healthier option. In addition to that, a study conducted in 2007 showed that Japanese women who consumed rice in high quantities were 41 per cent less likely to suffer from constipation than those who consumed low quantities of rice.
Brown rice is a heartier, fiber-packed alternative to less-than-super white rice. A half-cup serving contains 1.7 grams of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.
Plus, brown rice is a low-energy-density food, meaning it's heavy and filling but low in calories. One study found that women who ate a higher-energy-density diet gained three times as much weight over six years than women eating a low-energy-density diet.
Germinated brown rice :also known as ‘sprouted brown rice’ is another popular form of brown rice attributing to its extra-nutritious value. High nourishing content of the germinated brown rice owes to the presence of gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Germinated brown rice can be obtained by soaking and sprouting of the brown rice in water for a specified number of hours.
This method has been considered best for obtaining the maximum amount of GABA and elevating the levels proteins and good enzymes in the germinated brown rice. The process of germination also leads to significant increase in essential components such as ferulic acid, lysine, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, niacin, vitamin B 6, thiamine, and dietary fiber in the germinated brown rice.
These released nutrients aids in better absorption during digestion and prevent intestinal irritations, inflammations and allergies. Germinated brown rice can be stored in dried form to increase its shelf life without effecting its advanced nutritional worth.
Benefits of Brown rice
Diabetes: Brown rice is beneficial for diabetic and hyperglycemic individuals. It has a low glycemic index which is helpful in reducing insulin surges and assists in the stabilization of blood sugar levels in the body. A comparative study conducted in this regard has revealed that brown rice is rich in phytic acid, fiber, and essential polyphenols. It is a complex carbohydrate which helps in slower release of sugars as compared to white rice. American diabetes association also recommends choosing nutrient-dense brown rice over white rice for diabetics in order to accomplish the need of essential vitamins, fiber and minerals in their diet.
Obesity: Brown rice is instrumental in seeking weight control for the people combating with obesity. Brown rice contains manganese which helps to synthesize the body fats. A research study conducted in this regard has revealed that consumption of whole grains such as brown rice has positive effects on the body with respect to reduction in body mass index and body fat. It also enhances the activity of glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme and helps elevate the levels of HDL cholesterol in the obese individuals. Another comparative research has also advocated the anti-obesity effects of germinated brown rice.
Digestive health: Brown rice is healthful staple which can be added to the daily diet for keeping a healthy digestive system. Fiber present in helps regulate the bowel function and keeps a fuller feeling. A comparative study investigating the effects of white rice and brown rice during gastric digestion has made it qualitatively evident that the bran layer on brown rice prevents the absorption of acid and humidity resulting in better texture retention. Fiber content also brings relief from other troubling conditions such as constipation and colitis. 

Cholesterol: Brown rice is a healthy option for maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol attributing to the presence of naturally occurring oils. An investigative study has revealed that brown rice possess hypocholesterolemic qualities and regulates cholesterol catabolism. It contains beneficial nutrients that help in lipid and glucose metabolism. Another study conducted has revealed that consumption of brown rice has shown significant improvement in the serum and HDL cholesterol concentrations in the subjects with chronic ethanol abuse. It has also suggested germinated brown rice extract helps in preventing the rise in the liver triglycerides due to excessive alcohol intake attributing to the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid
Anti-depressant properties: Germinated brown rice possesses anti-depressant qualities and helps in combating anxiety related disorders. An investigative study has suggested that germinated brown rice contains essential amino acids such as glutamine, glycerin and GABA. These inhibitory neurotransmitters facilitate reduction in the allowance of messages associated with anxiety, depression and stress in the brain resulting in a relaxed state of well-being.
Insomnia: Brown rice helpful in the treatment of insomnia. Brown rice is a natural source of sleep hormone melatonin. It enhances the quality of sleep by relaxing the nerves and increasing the sleep cycle.
Strong immunity system: Brown rice is loaded with significant quantities of vitamins, minerals and essential phenolic components which help boost the immune system of the body. It nourishes the body, accelerates healing and enhances its ability to fight infections.
Bone health: Brown rice is helpful in the maintenance of healthy bones. It is rich in magnesium which along calcium provides the bones their physical structure. Magnesium-rich brown rice prevents bone demineralization and is beneficial for medical conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
Brain & Nervous system: Brown rice is beneficial for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system. It helps in accelerating the metabolism in the brain attributing to the presence of vitamin B and essential minerals such as manganese. Magnesium present in brown rice balances the activity of calcium in the body and helps in the regulation of nerves and muscle tone. It prevents the sudden surge of calcium into the nerve cells and activation of nerve. This aid in keeping the nerves and muscles relaxed and prevent excessive contraction. Vitamin E present in brown rice also plays a vital role in preventing various brain diseases caused due to oxidative damage.
Cardiovascular health: Brown rice is rich in selenium which is beneficial for a healthy heart. Consumption of whole grains such as brown rice helps reduce the blockage of arteries due to plaque buildup. This protective action is contributory in the reducing the risk of cardiac disorders such as high hypertension and vascular diseases. Studies conducted in this regard have suggested that the tissue surrounding the grain of brown rice contains a healthful component which acts against the endocrine protein angiotensin II, implicated in the development of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis or hardening of arteries.
Psychosomatic health for lactating women: Sprouted brown rice is beneficial for the mental health of the lactating mothers. An investigative study has shown positive results in the nursing women with respect to reduction in mood disturbances, stages of depression and fatigue. It has also suggested that consumption of brown rice during lactation enhances body’s ability to resist stress and improves overall immune defense.
Neurodegenerative disorders: Germinated brown rice helps in the prevention of neurodegenerative complications such as Alzheimer’s disease attributing to the abundance of gama-aminobutyric acid. Sprouted brown rice contains healthful components which helps in the inhibition of harmful enzyme called protylendopetidase which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is also beneficial for other cerebral-related disorders such as dementia and amnesia.
Brown Rice Can Prevent weight gain
A study conducted by Harvard researchers shows that women who incorporate whole grains, such as brown rice, into their diet were more likely to maintain a healthy body weight. They were also almost 50 percent more likely to not gain weight by eating a diet rich in whole grains.
Reduces Child Asthma
Asthma is a very common condition among children and causes many children to miss numerous days of school. But children who eat plenty of whole grains along with fish can lower their risk of developing asthma by 50 percent. Studies show that fruits, vegetables and even dairy don’t have much of an effect in reducing asthma, but whole grains and fish do.
Good Source Of Manganese And Selenium
One cup of brown rice contains 88 percent of the recommended daily value of manganese, a nutrient that plays an important part in fighting free radicals. Manganese is part of a compound known as superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals created during the energy production process. Manganese is also important for deriving energy from protein and carbohydrates and plays a key role in the synthesis of fatty acids.
Selenium also plays a role in the antioxidant process and can destroy cancer cells and even repair DNA. Selenium is important for regulating the thyroid hormone metabolism and immune system function. Most people don’t take in the proper amount of selenium of which brown rice is a good source – it provides more than 27 percent of the daily recommended value.
Rich in fiber
Brown rice which is a power house of many minerals and vitamins is also a high source of fibers. It aids a pregnant lady to keep in balance state of all her cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure levels. Supplying brown rice for pregnant women gives about 14 percent mot required fiber and nutrients to her body. The fibers that are present in it help in fighting against many diseases like breast cancer.
Here are the 5 Weight Loss Reasons To Eat Brown Rice

OThe fiber in brown rice helps promote regularity and lower the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.
OPeople who eat whole grains like brown rice tend to be leaner and have a lower risk of heart disease than those who don’t.
OBrown rice contains antioxidants, phytoestrogens and phytosterols that help protect against coronary disease.
OBrown rice provides a healthy boost of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
OGrains like Brown rice are rich in carbohydrates – the body’s main fuel supply – so we need a fair amount daily.
Brown rice is a perfect fuel for your body and a perfect fuel for weight loss. Using weight loss hypnosis you can end cravings for junk food and create healthy cravings whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Brown rice side effects
Brown rice is generally hypoallergenic and does not contain any significant amount of disturbing elements such as purines or oxalates.
Here is a comparison of nutrition labels per 100g; you’ll find that there is not much between them.

Two More Things
1. White rice is digested more easily, in terms of a lack of bloating, gas, cramps, bowel problems and other such discomforts, than brown rice. For those with a sensitive digestive system, this matters.
2. Arsenic is a tasteless, odorless element which occurs naturally in the earth’s crust. The effects of arsenic poisoning include stomach pain, hand and foot numbness, digestive upset, thickening skin and swelling. All rice contains some arsenic. In fact, many foods we eat regularly contain some arsenic, and for the most part, the amounts we ingest are small enough to be of no great concern. However, if you had to choose between foods with more or less arsenic, presumably, you would choose the latter.
Brown rice contains significantly more arsenic than white. That’s right – the “healthy” outer hull (full of micronutrients and anti-nutrients which essentially negate their benefits) allows it to retain a greater amount of arsenic.
In the end, it appears that it’s a pretty even match. But recapping everything we’ve discussed, the differences between the two are fairly small. What it comes down to is that if a person tolerates or prefers brown rice, by all means, they should eat it. If they prefer the taste of, or have better tolerance for, white rice, by all means, they should eat it instead. And most importantly of all, rice should be used as part of a balanced nutrition plan that gives you all the nutrients you require.

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Showing posts with label basmati brown rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basmati brown rice. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Health Benefits of Brown rice

Brown rice :is an unrefined and unpolished whole grain which is produced by just removing the surrounding hull of the rice kernel. Brown rice grain retains its nutrient-dense bran and germ layer. It is chewier as compared to white rice and has a nutty flavor.
A popular choice for digestive aid, brown rice offers 3.5 grams of fiber in one cup. It also contains more vitamins and iron as compared to white rice, making it a healthier option. In addition to that, a study conducted in 2007 showed that Japanese women who consumed rice in high quantities were 41 per cent less likely to suffer from constipation than those who consumed low quantities of rice.
Brown rice is a heartier, fiber-packed alternative to less-than-super white rice. A half-cup serving contains 1.7 grams of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.
Plus, brown rice is a low-energy-density food, meaning it's heavy and filling but low in calories. One study found that women who ate a higher-energy-density diet gained three times as much weight over six years than women eating a low-energy-density diet.
Germinated brown rice :also known as ‘sprouted brown rice’ is another popular form of brown rice attributing to its extra-nutritious value. High nourishing content of the germinated brown rice owes to the presence of gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Germinated brown rice can be obtained by soaking and sprouting of the brown rice in water for a specified number of hours.
This method has been considered best for obtaining the maximum amount of GABA and elevating the levels proteins and good enzymes in the germinated brown rice. The process of germination also leads to significant increase in essential components such as ferulic acid, lysine, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, niacin, vitamin B 6, thiamine, and dietary fiber in the germinated brown rice.
These released nutrients aids in better absorption during digestion and prevent intestinal irritations, inflammations and allergies. Germinated brown rice can be stored in dried form to increase its shelf life without effecting its advanced nutritional worth.
Benefits of Brown rice
Diabetes: Brown rice is beneficial for diabetic and hyperglycemic individuals. It has a low glycemic index which is helpful in reducing insulin surges and assists in the stabilization of blood sugar levels in the body. A comparative study conducted in this regard has revealed that brown rice is rich in phytic acid, fiber, and essential polyphenols. It is a complex carbohydrate which helps in slower release of sugars as compared to white rice. American diabetes association also recommends choosing nutrient-dense brown rice over white rice for diabetics in order to accomplish the need of essential vitamins, fiber and minerals in their diet.
Obesity: Brown rice is instrumental in seeking weight control for the people combating with obesity. Brown rice contains manganese which helps to synthesize the body fats. A research study conducted in this regard has revealed that consumption of whole grains such as brown rice has positive effects on the body with respect to reduction in body mass index and body fat. It also enhances the activity of glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme and helps elevate the levels of HDL cholesterol in the obese individuals. Another comparative research has also advocated the anti-obesity effects of germinated brown rice.
Digestive health: Brown rice is healthful staple which can be added to the daily diet for keeping a healthy digestive system. Fiber present in helps regulate the bowel function and keeps a fuller feeling. A comparative study investigating the effects of white rice and brown rice during gastric digestion has made it qualitatively evident that the bran layer on brown rice prevents the absorption of acid and humidity resulting in better texture retention. Fiber content also brings relief from other troubling conditions such as constipation and colitis. 

Cholesterol: Brown rice is a healthy option for maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol attributing to the presence of naturally occurring oils. An investigative study has revealed that brown rice possess hypocholesterolemic qualities and regulates cholesterol catabolism. It contains beneficial nutrients that help in lipid and glucose metabolism. Another study conducted has revealed that consumption of brown rice has shown significant improvement in the serum and HDL cholesterol concentrations in the subjects with chronic ethanol abuse. It has also suggested germinated brown rice extract helps in preventing the rise in the liver triglycerides due to excessive alcohol intake attributing to the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid
Anti-depressant properties: Germinated brown rice possesses anti-depressant qualities and helps in combating anxiety related disorders. An investigative study has suggested that germinated brown rice contains essential amino acids such as glutamine, glycerin and GABA. These inhibitory neurotransmitters facilitate reduction in the allowance of messages associated with anxiety, depression and stress in the brain resulting in a relaxed state of well-being.
Insomnia: Brown rice helpful in the treatment of insomnia. Brown rice is a natural source of sleep hormone melatonin. It enhances the quality of sleep by relaxing the nerves and increasing the sleep cycle.
Strong immunity system: Brown rice is loaded with significant quantities of vitamins, minerals and essential phenolic components which help boost the immune system of the body. It nourishes the body, accelerates healing and enhances its ability to fight infections.
Bone health: Brown rice is helpful in the maintenance of healthy bones. It is rich in magnesium which along calcium provides the bones their physical structure. Magnesium-rich brown rice prevents bone demineralization and is beneficial for medical conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
Brain & Nervous system: Brown rice is beneficial for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system. It helps in accelerating the metabolism in the brain attributing to the presence of vitamin B and essential minerals such as manganese. Magnesium present in brown rice balances the activity of calcium in the body and helps in the regulation of nerves and muscle tone. It prevents the sudden surge of calcium into the nerve cells and activation of nerve. This aid in keeping the nerves and muscles relaxed and prevent excessive contraction. Vitamin E present in brown rice also plays a vital role in preventing various brain diseases caused due to oxidative damage.
Cardiovascular health: Brown rice is rich in selenium which is beneficial for a healthy heart. Consumption of whole grains such as brown rice helps reduce the blockage of arteries due to plaque buildup. This protective action is contributory in the reducing the risk of cardiac disorders such as high hypertension and vascular diseases. Studies conducted in this regard have suggested that the tissue surrounding the grain of brown rice contains a healthful component which acts against the endocrine protein angiotensin II, implicated in the development of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis or hardening of arteries.
Psychosomatic health for lactating women: Sprouted brown rice is beneficial for the mental health of the lactating mothers. An investigative study has shown positive results in the nursing women with respect to reduction in mood disturbances, stages of depression and fatigue. It has also suggested that consumption of brown rice during lactation enhances body’s ability to resist stress and improves overall immune defense.
Neurodegenerative disorders: Germinated brown rice helps in the prevention of neurodegenerative complications such as Alzheimer’s disease attributing to the abundance of gama-aminobutyric acid. Sprouted brown rice contains healthful components which helps in the inhibition of harmful enzyme called protylendopetidase which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is also beneficial for other cerebral-related disorders such as dementia and amnesia.
Brown Rice Can Prevent weight gain
A study conducted by Harvard researchers shows that women who incorporate whole grains, such as brown rice, into their diet were more likely to maintain a healthy body weight. They were also almost 50 percent more likely to not gain weight by eating a diet rich in whole grains.
Reduces Child Asthma
Asthma is a very common condition among children and causes many children to miss numerous days of school. But children who eat plenty of whole grains along with fish can lower their risk of developing asthma by 50 percent. Studies show that fruits, vegetables and even dairy don’t have much of an effect in reducing asthma, but whole grains and fish do.
Good Source Of Manganese And Selenium
One cup of brown rice contains 88 percent of the recommended daily value of manganese, a nutrient that plays an important part in fighting free radicals. Manganese is part of a compound known as superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals created during the energy production process. Manganese is also important for deriving energy from protein and carbohydrates and plays a key role in the synthesis of fatty acids.
Selenium also plays a role in the antioxidant process and can destroy cancer cells and even repair DNA. Selenium is important for regulating the thyroid hormone metabolism and immune system function. Most people don’t take in the proper amount of selenium of which brown rice is a good source – it provides more than 27 percent of the daily recommended value.
Rich in fiber
Brown rice which is a power house of many minerals and vitamins is also a high source of fibers. It aids a pregnant lady to keep in balance state of all her cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure levels. Supplying brown rice for pregnant women gives about 14 percent mot required fiber and nutrients to her body. The fibers that are present in it help in fighting against many diseases like breast cancer.
Here are the 5 Weight Loss Reasons To Eat Brown Rice

OThe fiber in brown rice helps promote regularity and lower the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.
OPeople who eat whole grains like brown rice tend to be leaner and have a lower risk of heart disease than those who don’t.
OBrown rice contains antioxidants, phytoestrogens and phytosterols that help protect against coronary disease.
OBrown rice provides a healthy boost of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
OGrains like Brown rice are rich in carbohydrates – the body’s main fuel supply – so we need a fair amount daily.
Brown rice is a perfect fuel for your body and a perfect fuel for weight loss. Using weight loss hypnosis you can end cravings for junk food and create healthy cravings whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Brown rice side effects
Brown rice is generally hypoallergenic and does not contain any significant amount of disturbing elements such as purines or oxalates.
Here is a comparison of nutrition labels per 100g; you’ll find that there is not much between them.

Two More Things
1. White rice is digested more easily, in terms of a lack of bloating, gas, cramps, bowel problems and other such discomforts, than brown rice. For those with a sensitive digestive system, this matters.
2. Arsenic is a tasteless, odorless element which occurs naturally in the earth’s crust. The effects of arsenic poisoning include stomach pain, hand and foot numbness, digestive upset, thickening skin and swelling. All rice contains some arsenic. In fact, many foods we eat regularly contain some arsenic, and for the most part, the amounts we ingest are small enough to be of no great concern. However, if you had to choose between foods with more or less arsenic, presumably, you would choose the latter.
Brown rice contains significantly more arsenic than white. That’s right – the “healthy” outer hull (full of micronutrients and anti-nutrients which essentially negate their benefits) allows it to retain a greater amount of arsenic.
In the end, it appears that it’s a pretty even match. But recapping everything we’ve discussed, the differences between the two are fairly small. What it comes down to is that if a person tolerates or prefers brown rice, by all means, they should eat it. If they prefer the taste of, or have better tolerance for, white rice, by all means, they should eat it instead. And most importantly of all, rice should be used as part of a balanced nutrition plan that gives you all the nutrients you require.

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider