Showing posts with label What is Gall bladder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is Gall bladder. Show all posts

Monday, 1 February 2016

Gallstones Treatment

What is Gall bladder?
The gall bladder is a small pear-shaped organ on the underside of the liver that is used to store bile. Bile juice is made in the liver and is stored in the gall bladder until it is needed to help the digestion of fat.
What Are Gallstones?
Gallstones are pieces of solid material that form in the gallbladder. These stones develop because cholesterol and pigments in bile sometimes form hard particles.
Gallstones are formed in liver. They travel through little tiny tubes called biliary ducts. But most of them end up in your gallbladder. When they got collected in gall bladder then they had seen as big stone like 10mm, 15mm in ultrasound or X-RAY. These stone are not hard in nature instead soft like rubber pieces. Large amounts of population have this but most of the time they are silent and don’t have any symptoms. If only small pieces are present then they don’t get detected in X-Ray or Ultrasound.
These stones actually formed from various small particles include cholesterol, bile salts and bile pigment.
The two main types of gallstones are:
Cholesterol Stones
Stones are of yellow green colour made up of mainly cholesterol and some part is bile salt. It is most common type.
Pigment Stones
These are small dark colour stones made up of too much bilburin in bile. These are mainly developed due to liver cirrhosis.
Gallstones Can Block The Normal Flow Of Bile
If they move from the gallbladder and lodge in any of the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine. The ducts include the
Hepatic ducts_which carry bile out of the liver
Cystic duct_which takes bile to and from the gallbladder
Common bile duct_which takes bile from the cystic and hepatic ducts to the small intestine
Bile trapped in these ducts can cause inflammation in the gallbladder, the ducts, or in rare cases, the liver. Other ducts open into the common bile duct, including the pancreatic duct, which carries digestive enzymes out of the pancreas.
Sometimes gallstones passing through the common bile duct provoke inflammation in the pancreas—called gallstone pancreatitis—an extremely painful and potentially dangerous condition
If any of the bile ducts remain blocked for a significant period of time, severe damage or infection can occur in the gallbladder, liver, or pancreas.
Left untreated, the condition can be fatal. Warning signs of a serious problem are fever, jaundice, and persistent pain
Causes of Gallstones
It's not clear what causes gallstones to form. Doctors think gallstones may result when:
Your bile contains too much cholesterol.
Normally, your bile contains enough chemicals to dissolve the cholesterol excreted by your liver. But if your liver excretes more cholesterol than your bile can dissolve, the excess cholesterol may form into crystals and eventually into stones.
Your bile contains too much bilirubin.
Bilirubin is a chemical that's produced when your body breaks down red blood cells. Certain conditions cause your liver to make too much bilirubin, including liver cirrhosis, biliary tract infections and certain blood disorders. The excess bilirubin contributes to gallstone formation.
Your gallbladder doesn't empty correctly.
If your gallbladder doesn't empty completely or often enough, bile may become very concentrated and this contributes to the formation of gallstones.
Some Possible Causes Include:
Excess bilirubin in the bile
Excess cholesterol in the bile
A non-stone-related blockage in the gallbladder that prevents proper emptying
Low bile concentration of a substance called bile salts
Body weight
Decreased motility (movement) of the gallbladder
Risk Factors for Gallstones
Risk factors for getting gallstones include:
If other people in your family have had gallstones, you are at increased risk of developing gallstones.
Obesity .
This is one of the biggest risk factors. Obesity can cause a rise in cholesterol and can also keep the gallbladder from emptying completely.
Estrogen .
Estrogen can increase cholesterol and reduce gallbladder motility. Women who are pregnant or who take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy have higher levels of estrogen and may be more likely to develop gallstones.
Ethnic background.
Certain ethnic groups, including Native Americans and Mexican-Americans, are more likely to develop gallstones.
Gender and age.
Gallstones are more common among women and older people.
Cholesterol drugs .
Some cholesterol-lowering drugs increase the amount of cholesterol in bile, which may increase the chances of developing cholesterol stones.
Diabetes .
People with diabetes tend to have higher levels of triglycerides (a type of blood fat), which is a risk factor for gallstones.
Rapid weight loss .
If a person loses weight too quickly, his or her liver secretes extra cholesterol, which may lead to gallstones. Also, fasting may cause the gallbladder to contract less.

Fat rich diet.
Eating a diet rich in fat and cholesterol and without enough fiber
Taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy
Being pregnant
Being overweight
Gallstone Symptoms
Gallstones often don't cause symptoms. Those that don't are called "silent stones." A person usually learns he or she has gallstones while being examined for another illness.
It's not uncommon for gallstones to cause no symptoms at all, and to be diagnosed during screening and testing for some other health problem.
But, in many people, gallstones can cause the symptoms of cholecystitis, including:
Pain in the upper abdomen and upper back; the pain may last for several hours.
Abdominal pain in the right upper part of the abdomen
Back pain, particularly located between your shoulder blades
Pain beneath the right shoulder blade
Pain in those areas which comes on quickly, worsens, and persists for at least 30 minutes, and may even last for a few hours
Fever with chills
Vomiting and nausea
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
Stools the color of clay
Pain that strikes after eating a fatty meal
gastrointestinal problems,Indigestion, bloating, and gas, heartburn,
A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
Pain that worsens after eating a meal, particularly fatty or greasy foods
Pain that increases when you breathe in deeply
If you have any of these symptoms, it's possible that gallstones may be to blame, so it's important to head to your doctor for an exam and to get started on treatment.
Gallstones may also rarely be an indication of gallbladder cancer, so it's best to get the problem correctly diagnosed right away.
Gallstones often don't cause symptoms. Those that don't are called "silent stones." A person usually learns he or she has gallstones while being examined for another illness.
How Are Gallstones Diagnosed?
If your doctor suspects you have gallstones, he or she will do a physical exam and may perform various other tests, including the following:
Blood tests:
Blood tests may be given to check for signs of infection or obstruction and/or to rule out other conditions.
Ultrasound :
This procedure produces images of various parts of the body and can be used to identify gallstones.
CAT scan :
This test uses specialized X-rays to create cross-section images of organs and body tissues.
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP):
This test uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to get pictures of structures inside the body, including the liver and the gallbladder.
Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan):
This test can determine whether the gallbladder is contracting correctly. A radioactive material is injected into the patient and makes its way to the gallbladder.
The technician can then observe the movement of the gallbladder.
Endoscopic ultrasound:
This test combines ultrasound and endoscopy to look for gallstones.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP):
The doctor inserts an endoscope through the patient's mouth down to the small intestine and injects a dye to allow the bile ducts to be seen. The doctor can often then remove any gallstones that have moved into the ducts.
How Are Gallstones Treated?
Gallstones are usually treated with surgery to take out the gallbladder. The traditional operation is called an open cholecystectomy. A newer procedure, called laparoscopic cholecystectomy, is less invasive, has fever complications, and is used more often.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
During this procedure, instruments, a light, and a camera are passed through several small incisions in the abdomen. The surgeon views the inside of the body by looking at a video monitor. This procedure is used in of the majority of gallbladder removals. After the surgery, the patient spends the night in the hospital.
Open cholecystectomy.
This is a more invasive procedure in which the surgeon makes incisions in the abdomen to remove the gallbladder. The patient stays in the hospital for a few days after the surgery.
If gallstones are in the bile ducts, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography may be used to find and remove them before or during gallbladder surgery.
A few types of medications, including bile salts, work to slowly break down small gallstones to reduce pain and symptoms.
Not everyone is a good candidate for this type of gallstone therapy, however.
These may be recommended to control pain during an acute attack of cholecystitis.
Dietary changes:
Your doctor may recommend that you switch to a healthier, low-fat diet to help relieve your gallstone symptoms.
Homoeopathic Remedies For Gallstones
Homeopathy successfully dissolves small and medium-sized gallstones and help you avoid the gallbladder removal.
The Homeopathic remedies for gall stones are made of natural substances and have no side effects.
The best Homeopathic remedy for the patient is prescribed after taking note of the gall stone symptoms in each individual.
Best Homeopathic remedy for gall stones with pain

Natural Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium is the top natural cure for gallbladder stones. This Homeopathic medicine offers the best treatment for pain due to gall stones and jaundice when there is obstruction of the bile ducts. The most important symptom for using Chelidonium is pain under the right shoulder blade. In jaundice, this Homeopathic medicine can be used when the skin is yellow, urine is dark in colourand stool is clay-coloured. During jaundice, the tongue becomes yellow and flabby. Nausea and vomiting also occur. The patient requiring Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium may show a desire for very hot drinks along with the above symptoms. It is also a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for gall bladder complaints that occurduring pregnancy.
Homeopathic medicine for gall stones with gastric symptoms

Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is a natural cure for gallstones when they are accompanied by gastric symptoms like acidity, gas in abdomenor bloated abdomen. The patient complains of distension of abdomen from eating even a very small quantity of food. The gas rolls in abdomen and passes out with difficulty. The patient mainly complains of acidity that gets worse from taking starchy and flatulent food. The patient may also complain of a reduced appetite and fullness feeling in abdomen on eating even a little. There’s also an unusual craving for sweets and hot drinks along with the gastric symptoms.
Calcarea Carb:
Homeopathic medicine for gall stones in obese patients

Calcarea Carb is another top naturalHomeopathic medicine for gall stones that is always selected constitutionally. This Homeopathic remedy is very beneficial for obese patients with a fatty and flabby constitution. The abdomen contains excess of fat with its hardness and distension. The other constitutional symptoms include profuse sweating on head and sensitivity to cold air. There’s also an unusual craving for boiled eggs or strange things like chalk, pencils and lime. The patient dislikes hot food and likes cold drinks. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb can also be used to relieve sour belching and sour vomiting due to gall stones.
Carduus Marianus:
Homeopathic medicine for inflamed gall bladder

Carduus Marianus is the best naturalHomeopathic remedy when the gall bladder is inflamed. There is pain in the right upper abdomen in gall bladder region, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting of burning fluid. Carduus Marianus can also be used to treat jaundice in gall stones.
Homeopathic medicine for gall stones with sour belching, vomiting

Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is a natural homeopathic treatment for gall stones in patients who complain of sour belching and vomiting after eating. The patient likes cold drinks, ice creams, chicken and fish in diet. This Homeopathic medicine is used for treatment of jaundice when the stool is very offensive with great weakness.
Best Homeopathic remedies for gall stones with acute pain
China is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy for acute pain in gall bladder when the whole abdomen is bloated with excess of gas.

Vomiting of undigested food may also occur. Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium is a very beneficial natural remedy when the pain is below the right shoulder in the scapulae. Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris is of great help for treating sharp, stitching pains in the gall bladder. The pain may get worse from applying pressure. Colocynth, on the other hand, is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the pain is of a cutting, shooting natureand gets better by applying pressure.
Top Homeopathic medicines for gas in abdomen in patients suffering from gall stones
Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for excess gas in abdomen, especially the lower region.

The abdomen is bloated even after light eating. Mainly starchy food and flatulent food like cabbage worsenthe problem. Homeopathic medicine China is the ideal remedy when the whole abdomen is full of gas with a painful distension. Walking may providea slight relief from distension. Homeopathic medicine Carbo Veg is of great help when the gas is present mainly in the upper region of abdomen. 
The abdomen is heavy, tenseand distended. Passage of a little gas providesa slight relief from distension.
Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla and Robinia:
Homeopathic medicines for acidity due to gall stones

Acidity or dyspepsia includes burning in stomach, sour or burning type of belching, nausea, vomiting and bloated abdomen. Natural Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is prescribed for patients complaining of acidity after eating. Such patients complain of sour burps, nausea and weight in stomach after eating. When the intake of coffee, spicy food or alcoholic drinks raises the dyspeptic symptoms, Nux Vomica yields excellent results.
Natural Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is the top herbal remedy for gallstones when eating of excessive fried or fatty food like butter or cream leads to acidity.
Homeopathic medicine Robinia, meanwhile, is used for treatment of burning type of burps with excessive gas in abdomen. Sour vomiting may also occur.
Arsenic Album and Ipecac:
Homeopathic medicines for nausea and vomiting in patients of gall stones

Nausea and vomiting usually occur along with the colic due to gall stones or when the gall bladder gets inflamed.
Natural Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is very beneficial when the vomiting occurs immediately after eating or drinking anything. Burning type of pains in abdomen usually accompany. Homeopathic medicine Ipecac gives very good results when there is persistent nausea and vomiting.
Homeopathic medicines for acute Cholecystitis (inflammation of gall bladder)
In acute Cholecystitis, there is a severe pain in gall bladder region (right upper abdomen), mid part of upper abdomen (epigastrium) or below the right shoulder in scapula. The severe pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loose stools or fever. Natural medicines Chelidonium, Belladona and Cardus Marianus are considered very efficient homeopathic treatment of gallstones in such cases.
Homeopathic medicines for stones in common bile duct
The presence of stones in common bile duct leads to its obstruction and that is a very critical condition. Obstructive jaundice, fever, vomiting and abdomen pain are the main symptoms of gall stones in common bile duct. NaturalHomeopathic medicines Chelidonium, Fel Tauri, Myrica, Cardus Marianus and Chionanthus are of great help in treating such cases. \
However, as the condition may lead to critical consequences, it is important to have a surgeon’s opinion to note the severity of the condition and whether it can be treated with medicines or requires surgical intervention.
Homeopathic medicines for gastric troubles after surgical removal of gall bladder (Cholecystectomy)
Even after surgical removal of gall bladder,a few patients experience gastric troubles like acidity, gas in abdomen with bloated feeling. The best natural Homeopathic medicines to deal with such cases are Raphanus, Natrum Phos and Carbo Veg.
Homeopathic medicine Raphanus can be used with much efficiency for treating excessive gas in abdomen after removal of gall bladder. The gas neither moves upwards or downwards, resulting in a bloated abdomen.
Homeopathic medicine Natrum Phos is the best remedy to treat sour belchings and sour vomiting with much acidity in stomach.
Carbo Veg is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for burning in stomach with distension of abdomen due to accumulation of gas. The digestion is very weak and slow in such patients.
Best Homeopathic medicines for gall bladder polyp
Polyp refers to an abnormal growth in the gall bladder arising from the mucuous membrane lining from gall bladder. It usually does not give rise to any symptom and accidentally comes to notice during the ultrasound for some other abdomen complaint.
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is very beneficial in treating gall bladder polyp. Calcarea Carb has the innate ability to remove polyp growths not only from the gallbladder but also from other parts like the nose.
Natrum sulphuricum
Multiple health disorders- gallstones, chronic diarrhea, asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), obesity, joint disorders, depression. Overly sensitive to weather changes and humidity.

Source: Google

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The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

Showing posts with label What is Gall bladder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is Gall bladder. Show all posts

Monday, 1 February 2016

Gallstones Treatment

What is Gall bladder?
The gall bladder is a small pear-shaped organ on the underside of the liver that is used to store bile. Bile juice is made in the liver and is stored in the gall bladder until it is needed to help the digestion of fat.
What Are Gallstones?
Gallstones are pieces of solid material that form in the gallbladder. These stones develop because cholesterol and pigments in bile sometimes form hard particles.
Gallstones are formed in liver. They travel through little tiny tubes called biliary ducts. But most of them end up in your gallbladder. When they got collected in gall bladder then they had seen as big stone like 10mm, 15mm in ultrasound or X-RAY. These stone are not hard in nature instead soft like rubber pieces. Large amounts of population have this but most of the time they are silent and don’t have any symptoms. If only small pieces are present then they don’t get detected in X-Ray or Ultrasound.
These stones actually formed from various small particles include cholesterol, bile salts and bile pigment.
The two main types of gallstones are:
Cholesterol Stones
Stones are of yellow green colour made up of mainly cholesterol and some part is bile salt. It is most common type.
Pigment Stones
These are small dark colour stones made up of too much bilburin in bile. These are mainly developed due to liver cirrhosis.
Gallstones Can Block The Normal Flow Of Bile
If they move from the gallbladder and lodge in any of the ducts that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine. The ducts include the
Hepatic ducts_which carry bile out of the liver
Cystic duct_which takes bile to and from the gallbladder
Common bile duct_which takes bile from the cystic and hepatic ducts to the small intestine
Bile trapped in these ducts can cause inflammation in the gallbladder, the ducts, or in rare cases, the liver. Other ducts open into the common bile duct, including the pancreatic duct, which carries digestive enzymes out of the pancreas.
Sometimes gallstones passing through the common bile duct provoke inflammation in the pancreas—called gallstone pancreatitis—an extremely painful and potentially dangerous condition
If any of the bile ducts remain blocked for a significant period of time, severe damage or infection can occur in the gallbladder, liver, or pancreas.
Left untreated, the condition can be fatal. Warning signs of a serious problem are fever, jaundice, and persistent pain
Causes of Gallstones
It's not clear what causes gallstones to form. Doctors think gallstones may result when:
Your bile contains too much cholesterol.
Normally, your bile contains enough chemicals to dissolve the cholesterol excreted by your liver. But if your liver excretes more cholesterol than your bile can dissolve, the excess cholesterol may form into crystals and eventually into stones.
Your bile contains too much bilirubin.
Bilirubin is a chemical that's produced when your body breaks down red blood cells. Certain conditions cause your liver to make too much bilirubin, including liver cirrhosis, biliary tract infections and certain blood disorders. The excess bilirubin contributes to gallstone formation.
Your gallbladder doesn't empty correctly.
If your gallbladder doesn't empty completely or often enough, bile may become very concentrated and this contributes to the formation of gallstones.
Some Possible Causes Include:
Excess bilirubin in the bile
Excess cholesterol in the bile
A non-stone-related blockage in the gallbladder that prevents proper emptying
Low bile concentration of a substance called bile salts
Body weight
Decreased motility (movement) of the gallbladder
Risk Factors for Gallstones
Risk factors for getting gallstones include:
If other people in your family have had gallstones, you are at increased risk of developing gallstones.
Obesity .
This is one of the biggest risk factors. Obesity can cause a rise in cholesterol and can also keep the gallbladder from emptying completely.
Estrogen .
Estrogen can increase cholesterol and reduce gallbladder motility. Women who are pregnant or who take birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy have higher levels of estrogen and may be more likely to develop gallstones.
Ethnic background.
Certain ethnic groups, including Native Americans and Mexican-Americans, are more likely to develop gallstones.
Gender and age.
Gallstones are more common among women and older people.
Cholesterol drugs .
Some cholesterol-lowering drugs increase the amount of cholesterol in bile, which may increase the chances of developing cholesterol stones.
Diabetes .
People with diabetes tend to have higher levels of triglycerides (a type of blood fat), which is a risk factor for gallstones.
Rapid weight loss .
If a person loses weight too quickly, his or her liver secretes extra cholesterol, which may lead to gallstones. Also, fasting may cause the gallbladder to contract less.

Fat rich diet.
Eating a diet rich in fat and cholesterol and without enough fiber
Taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy
Being pregnant
Being overweight
Gallstone Symptoms
Gallstones often don't cause symptoms. Those that don't are called "silent stones." A person usually learns he or she has gallstones while being examined for another illness.
It's not uncommon for gallstones to cause no symptoms at all, and to be diagnosed during screening and testing for some other health problem.
But, in many people, gallstones can cause the symptoms of cholecystitis, including:
Pain in the upper abdomen and upper back; the pain may last for several hours.
Abdominal pain in the right upper part of the abdomen
Back pain, particularly located between your shoulder blades
Pain beneath the right shoulder blade
Pain in those areas which comes on quickly, worsens, and persists for at least 30 minutes, and may even last for a few hours
Fever with chills
Vomiting and nausea
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
Stools the color of clay
Pain that strikes after eating a fatty meal
gastrointestinal problems,Indigestion, bloating, and gas, heartburn,
A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
Pain that worsens after eating a meal, particularly fatty or greasy foods
Pain that increases when you breathe in deeply
If you have any of these symptoms, it's possible that gallstones may be to blame, so it's important to head to your doctor for an exam and to get started on treatment.
Gallstones may also rarely be an indication of gallbladder cancer, so it's best to get the problem correctly diagnosed right away.
Gallstones often don't cause symptoms. Those that don't are called "silent stones." A person usually learns he or she has gallstones while being examined for another illness.
How Are Gallstones Diagnosed?
If your doctor suspects you have gallstones, he or she will do a physical exam and may perform various other tests, including the following:
Blood tests:
Blood tests may be given to check for signs of infection or obstruction and/or to rule out other conditions.
Ultrasound :
This procedure produces images of various parts of the body and can be used to identify gallstones.
CAT scan :
This test uses specialized X-rays to create cross-section images of organs and body tissues.
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP):
This test uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to get pictures of structures inside the body, including the liver and the gallbladder.
Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan):
This test can determine whether the gallbladder is contracting correctly. A radioactive material is injected into the patient and makes its way to the gallbladder.
The technician can then observe the movement of the gallbladder.
Endoscopic ultrasound:
This test combines ultrasound and endoscopy to look for gallstones.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP):
The doctor inserts an endoscope through the patient's mouth down to the small intestine and injects a dye to allow the bile ducts to be seen. The doctor can often then remove any gallstones that have moved into the ducts.
How Are Gallstones Treated?
Gallstones are usually treated with surgery to take out the gallbladder. The traditional operation is called an open cholecystectomy. A newer procedure, called laparoscopic cholecystectomy, is less invasive, has fever complications, and is used more often.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
During this procedure, instruments, a light, and a camera are passed through several small incisions in the abdomen. The surgeon views the inside of the body by looking at a video monitor. This procedure is used in of the majority of gallbladder removals. After the surgery, the patient spends the night in the hospital.
Open cholecystectomy.
This is a more invasive procedure in which the surgeon makes incisions in the abdomen to remove the gallbladder. The patient stays in the hospital for a few days after the surgery.
If gallstones are in the bile ducts, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography may be used to find and remove them before or during gallbladder surgery.
A few types of medications, including bile salts, work to slowly break down small gallstones to reduce pain and symptoms.
Not everyone is a good candidate for this type of gallstone therapy, however.
These may be recommended to control pain during an acute attack of cholecystitis.
Dietary changes:
Your doctor may recommend that you switch to a healthier, low-fat diet to help relieve your gallstone symptoms.
Homoeopathic Remedies For Gallstones
Homeopathy successfully dissolves small and medium-sized gallstones and help you avoid the gallbladder removal.
The Homeopathic remedies for gall stones are made of natural substances and have no side effects.
The best Homeopathic remedy for the patient is prescribed after taking note of the gall stone symptoms in each individual.
Best Homeopathic remedy for gall stones with pain

Natural Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium is the top natural cure for gallbladder stones. This Homeopathic medicine offers the best treatment for pain due to gall stones and jaundice when there is obstruction of the bile ducts. The most important symptom for using Chelidonium is pain under the right shoulder blade. In jaundice, this Homeopathic medicine can be used when the skin is yellow, urine is dark in colourand stool is clay-coloured. During jaundice, the tongue becomes yellow and flabby. Nausea and vomiting also occur. The patient requiring Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium may show a desire for very hot drinks along with the above symptoms. It is also a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for gall bladder complaints that occurduring pregnancy.
Homeopathic medicine for gall stones with gastric symptoms

Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is a natural cure for gallstones when they are accompanied by gastric symptoms like acidity, gas in abdomenor bloated abdomen. The patient complains of distension of abdomen from eating even a very small quantity of food. The gas rolls in abdomen and passes out with difficulty. The patient mainly complains of acidity that gets worse from taking starchy and flatulent food. The patient may also complain of a reduced appetite and fullness feeling in abdomen on eating even a little. There’s also an unusual craving for sweets and hot drinks along with the gastric symptoms.
Calcarea Carb:
Homeopathic medicine for gall stones in obese patients

Calcarea Carb is another top naturalHomeopathic medicine for gall stones that is always selected constitutionally. This Homeopathic remedy is very beneficial for obese patients with a fatty and flabby constitution. The abdomen contains excess of fat with its hardness and distension. The other constitutional symptoms include profuse sweating on head and sensitivity to cold air. There’s also an unusual craving for boiled eggs or strange things like chalk, pencils and lime. The patient dislikes hot food and likes cold drinks. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb can also be used to relieve sour belching and sour vomiting due to gall stones.
Carduus Marianus:
Homeopathic medicine for inflamed gall bladder

Carduus Marianus is the best naturalHomeopathic remedy when the gall bladder is inflamed. There is pain in the right upper abdomen in gall bladder region, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting of burning fluid. Carduus Marianus can also be used to treat jaundice in gall stones.
Homeopathic medicine for gall stones with sour belching, vomiting

Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is a natural homeopathic treatment for gall stones in patients who complain of sour belching and vomiting after eating. The patient likes cold drinks, ice creams, chicken and fish in diet. This Homeopathic medicine is used for treatment of jaundice when the stool is very offensive with great weakness.
Best Homeopathic remedies for gall stones with acute pain
China is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy for acute pain in gall bladder when the whole abdomen is bloated with excess of gas.

Vomiting of undigested food may also occur. Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium is a very beneficial natural remedy when the pain is below the right shoulder in the scapulae. Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris is of great help for treating sharp, stitching pains in the gall bladder. The pain may get worse from applying pressure. Colocynth, on the other hand, is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the pain is of a cutting, shooting natureand gets better by applying pressure.
Top Homeopathic medicines for gas in abdomen in patients suffering from gall stones
Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for excess gas in abdomen, especially the lower region.

The abdomen is bloated even after light eating. Mainly starchy food and flatulent food like cabbage worsenthe problem. Homeopathic medicine China is the ideal remedy when the whole abdomen is full of gas with a painful distension. Walking may providea slight relief from distension. Homeopathic medicine Carbo Veg is of great help when the gas is present mainly in the upper region of abdomen. 
The abdomen is heavy, tenseand distended. Passage of a little gas providesa slight relief from distension.
Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla and Robinia:
Homeopathic medicines for acidity due to gall stones

Acidity or dyspepsia includes burning in stomach, sour or burning type of belching, nausea, vomiting and bloated abdomen. Natural Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is prescribed for patients complaining of acidity after eating. Such patients complain of sour burps, nausea and weight in stomach after eating. When the intake of coffee, spicy food or alcoholic drinks raises the dyspeptic symptoms, Nux Vomica yields excellent results.
Natural Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is the top herbal remedy for gallstones when eating of excessive fried or fatty food like butter or cream leads to acidity.
Homeopathic medicine Robinia, meanwhile, is used for treatment of burning type of burps with excessive gas in abdomen. Sour vomiting may also occur.
Arsenic Album and Ipecac:
Homeopathic medicines for nausea and vomiting in patients of gall stones

Nausea and vomiting usually occur along with the colic due to gall stones or when the gall bladder gets inflamed.
Natural Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is very beneficial when the vomiting occurs immediately after eating or drinking anything. Burning type of pains in abdomen usually accompany. Homeopathic medicine Ipecac gives very good results when there is persistent nausea and vomiting.
Homeopathic medicines for acute Cholecystitis (inflammation of gall bladder)
In acute Cholecystitis, there is a severe pain in gall bladder region (right upper abdomen), mid part of upper abdomen (epigastrium) or below the right shoulder in scapula. The severe pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loose stools or fever. Natural medicines Chelidonium, Belladona and Cardus Marianus are considered very efficient homeopathic treatment of gallstones in such cases.
Homeopathic medicines for stones in common bile duct
The presence of stones in common bile duct leads to its obstruction and that is a very critical condition. Obstructive jaundice, fever, vomiting and abdomen pain are the main symptoms of gall stones in common bile duct. NaturalHomeopathic medicines Chelidonium, Fel Tauri, Myrica, Cardus Marianus and Chionanthus are of great help in treating such cases. \
However, as the condition may lead to critical consequences, it is important to have a surgeon’s opinion to note the severity of the condition and whether it can be treated with medicines or requires surgical intervention.
Homeopathic medicines for gastric troubles after surgical removal of gall bladder (Cholecystectomy)
Even after surgical removal of gall bladder,a few patients experience gastric troubles like acidity, gas in abdomen with bloated feeling. The best natural Homeopathic medicines to deal with such cases are Raphanus, Natrum Phos and Carbo Veg.
Homeopathic medicine Raphanus can be used with much efficiency for treating excessive gas in abdomen after removal of gall bladder. The gas neither moves upwards or downwards, resulting in a bloated abdomen.
Homeopathic medicine Natrum Phos is the best remedy to treat sour belchings and sour vomiting with much acidity in stomach.
Carbo Veg is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for burning in stomach with distension of abdomen due to accumulation of gas. The digestion is very weak and slow in such patients.
Best Homeopathic medicines for gall bladder polyp
Polyp refers to an abnormal growth in the gall bladder arising from the mucuous membrane lining from gall bladder. It usually does not give rise to any symptom and accidentally comes to notice during the ultrasound for some other abdomen complaint.
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is very beneficial in treating gall bladder polyp. Calcarea Carb has the innate ability to remove polyp growths not only from the gallbladder but also from other parts like the nose.
Natrum sulphuricum
Multiple health disorders- gallstones, chronic diarrhea, asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), obesity, joint disorders, depression. Overly sensitive to weather changes and humidity.

Source: Google

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