Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Ginger Tea Health Benefits

The Zingiberaceae botanical family to which ginger belongs includes three spices: turmeric, cardamom and ginger. From ancient India and China to Greece and Rome, the rhizome (root) of ginger has been revered as a culinary and medicinal spice. Gingerbread, ginger beer and preserved ginger are all familiar products. But ginger is more than a seasoning - its medicinal properties have been valued and used throughout the ages.
The many curative properties of ginger are widely researched. Used on the skin it can stimulate the circulation and soothe burns. As a diaphoretic it encourages perspiration, so it can be used in feverish conditions such as influenza or colds. The root, which is the part of the plant most widely used in alternative forms of medicine, is rich in volatile oils. It is these oils that contain the active component gingerol.
Ginger is a common ingredient in Asian and Indian cuisine. However, ginger has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries among many cultures.
Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain.
Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like ginger decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy and overall lower weight.
Reduces Arthritic Inflammation
The anti-inflammatory nature of ginger means that it can help with a host of inflammation-based conditions and diseases. Not least of which is arthritis, which millions of American suffer from, with millions more diagnosed each years as the baby boomer population grow older. There is even a bit of a pain relief characteristic to ginger, which is welcome news to those that don’t want to take a pill every day to relieve pain.
Relieves Gas
Gas can be embarrassing at the wrong times, and there are a ton of anti-gas products on the market. If you’re looking for a more natural way to treat it you should start buying and using more ginger. Ginger tea is easy enough to make and drink and if you drink it before you go to sleep you can let it work overnight while you’re sleeping. It should act to clear out your digestive system and neutralize the problem from the inside.
Ginger Make You Sleepy
Because of its calming nature on many systems of the body, a common question is whether ginger will make you sleepy or drowsy. There are other properties of ginger that make it unlikely that it will make you sleepy. It increases the circulation and most users report that it gives them more energy, not less. When it is time for sleep though, ginger may help remove toxins that used to lead to sleeplessness, allowing you to fall asleep more easily.
Relieve Nausea
One of the best-known benefits of ginger tea is its ability to combat nausea. Drinking a cup of ginger tea before traveling can help prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. If you did not drink ginger tea before you became nauseous, drink a cup of ginger tea at the first sign of nausea to relieve the symptom.
Relieve Stress
Ginger contains a potent antioxidant, gingerol, which helps cleanse the harmful chemicals our bodies produce when we’re worried, so ginger can help psychological stress too.The drinks is also great at uplifting one's mood and can banish all negative feelings.
Packed with antioxidants, it has a whole range of health benefits so is the perfect Winter warmer.
Strengthen Immunity
Ginger tea may help strengthen your immunity due to the high levels of antioxidants in ginger. Many people drink ginger tea to help prevent cancer.
Relieve Menstrual Discomfort
Drinking ginger tea is not the only way you can benefit from this mixture. If you have cramping during your menstrual cycle, try soaking a towel in warm ginger tea and apply the towel to your lower abdomen. The effects of the ginger may help relieve the pain and relax the muscles. At the same time, drink a cup of ginger tea with honey.
Try placing a hot towel dipped in ginger tea on your uterine area. It will relax your muscles and give you some much needed relief, as well as provide a soothing effect on the area.
Improve Blood Circulation
The vitamins, minerals and amino acids in ginger tea can help restore and improve blood circulation that may help decrease the chance of cardiovascular problems. Ginger may prevent fat from depositing in the arteries helping to prevent heart attacks and stroke.
Fight Respiratory Problems
Ginger tea can help relieve congestion associated with the common cold. Try a cup of ginger tea for the respiratory symptoms associated with environmental allergies.
Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease
If Alzheimer’s runs in your family, or you are just worried about coming down with the debilitating disease, you should think about incorporating more ginger into your diet and daily routine. Research has shown that ginger helps to slow down the loss of brain cells that typically is a precursor to Alzheimer’s. By protecting and preserving these cells you are prolonging the amount of good years you have being alert and coherent and aware of your surroundings.
Stimulates Appetite
If you have a sluggish digestive system and find that you need to get your digestive fires going before a meal, ginger can help. It may be the case that you don’t produce enough stomach acid, and ginger can act as an appetite stimulant, getting your digestive juices revved up so that you are able to digest your meal better. Improper digestion of foods leaves them fermenting in your digestive tract
Helps with Weight Loss
Losing weight is one of the most significantly positive things you can do for your overall health, and ginger can play an integral role in the process. The reason is because it acts as a fat burner, specifically helping to make sure that the weight you’re losing is from fat, and not just general weight or water loss. Another factor that helps shed the pounds is that ginger helps you feel full, so you’ll eat less and feel fuller longer, reducing your overall caloric intake.
Relieves Tired Muscles
The sort of muscle tiredness you get after strength training is the type that ginger works best on. This means that your muscles will recover better and allow you to take part in cardio workouts on your off days. It means you’ll be more likely to be more active instead of being out of commission on the days following your weight lifting workouts. Increased lean muscle mass generally equates to natural weight loss as you burn calories around the clock.
Helps Manage Glucose Levels
Research out of Australia suggests that ginger can help keep blood glucose levels in check. This is important because these levels have a direct impact on weight loss and weight gain, as well as how energetic or lethargic you feel throughout the day. If you’ve noticed that you get a midday crash it’s likely due to your blood sugar levels, and adding ginger to your lunch might help you stay focused and on task. An all-natural alternative to products like 5 Hour “Energy”.
Helps the Body Absorb Nutrients
When you’re trying to lose weight getting the right nutrients is essential. But if your body is overweight and not used to getting the nutrients it needs, it may have become used to not getting the required vitamins and now it doesn’t properly absorb them. More ginger means that you’ll be better absorbing the sort of nutrients that will help you in your pursuit and get you better results more quickly with the same amount of effort.
Clears Sinuses
If you’re looking for sinus relief without having to resort to an over-the-counter drug, turn to ginger first. There is an active ingredient in ginger that has shown to work wonders on the sinuses, helping to unclog them and facilitate drainage. All you need to do is brew a nice cup of hot ginger tea to get the benefits without the use of medications with possible side effects.
Increases Sexual Desire
With an increased function in the circulatory system, it’s no wonder that ginger has been referenced as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for people to make the connection that after consuming ginger they felt an extra pep in their step and felt like things were firing on all cylinders. The nice part is that it works for both sexes equally, since both the clitoris and penis rely heavily on circulation in order to become aroused and engorged.
Increases Male Fertility
Ginger tea has been proven to help male fertility.Some studies show that regular intake of ginger may increase a man's sperm count if consumed on a daily basis as well as the quality of the sperm. if consumed on a daily basis
As an added bonus, it can also help treat erectile dysfunction as well as act as an aphrodisiac
Protects Against Nuclear Radiation
Hopefully not something you have to worry about in the near future, but still good to know in case World War III breaks out. But those living near the Fukushima disaster area have given strong consideration to upping their ginger intake with this news. If you want to get the full benefits of this feature you’ll have to have a daily dose of ginger so it’s in your system, and stays there.
Dosage Recommendations
"Prescription for Herbal Healing," 

Author Phyllis Balch recommends..
2 teaspoons or 1 gram of powdered or fresh grated ginger root per cup of boiling water to prepare ginger tea.
For constipation
Drink 1 cup of ginger tea two to three times a day.
Your doctor can also recommend the right dose for you.
Safety Issues
Diabetics should not take ginger tea, because it might affect the absorption of diabetic medications, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. As of 2011, ginger tea’s safety during pregnancy has not been established. Do not use ginger tea when you are pregnant unless such use is under the supervision of your doctor. Ginger has blood-thinning properties. It can prolong your bleeding time when combined with blood-thinning agents such as aspirin and warfarin. If you have gallstones, UMMC recommends you speak to your doctor before consuming ginger.

Ginger - nutritional profile
Using fresh ginger is an easy way to flavor foods and drinks without adding unnecessary sodium. Since it is often consumed in such small amounts, ginger does not add significant quantities of calories, carbohydrate, protein or fiber.
Ginger does contain numerous other anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds beneficial to health such as gingerols, beta-carotene, capsaicin, caffeic acid, curcumin and salicylate.
Ginger provides a variety of vitamins and minerals:
Carbohydrate - 17.77 g
Dietary Fiber - 2 g
Protein - 1.82 g
Dietary Fiber - 2 g
Sugars - 1.7 g
Sodium - 13 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.16 mg
Calcium - 16 mg
Iron - 0.6 mg
Vitamin C - 5 mg
Potassium - 415 mg
Magnesium - 43 mg
Phosphorus - 34 mg
Zinc - 0.34 mg
Folate - 11 mcg
Riboflavin - 0.034 mg
Niacin - 0.75 mg
Iron - 0.6 mg

Figures above are per 100g of ginger.

Source: Google

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The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

1 comment:

  1. Goji Berries... yes... I tried those too.for my health conditions, Those sweet, red berries seemed to help, but only during the time when I consumed them. I don't want to take a drug for the rest of my life, so why would I want to take a natural supplement everyday for the rest of my life (although Goji berries are very tasty and are highly nourishing). To me this was not a cure either (and I'm LOOKING for the CURE).
    Up to that point, I hadn't found a cure. I felt like a young jumbled mess. I continued to have extreme pain, but continued on my path to healing. I started to focus on myself and not everyone else. When I was a young adult, I took on too much responsibility out of a sense of obligation. This was no longer healthy for me, so I resigned from all my projects and groups. Those days to come were the best [and worst] days. I took a lot of time off work, yet began to feel so extremely exhausted. Many health professionals "diagnosed" me with adrenal fatigue & Hiv,Prostate Cancer so my situation was annoying then I keep searching for permanent cure online that's when I came to know of Dr God hands whom god has bleesed with ancestral herbs gift to heal people with disease like .Cancers,Alzheimer's disease,HPV,Men & Women Infertility,Melanoma, Mesothelioma, Diabetes, Multiple myeloma, Parkinson's disease,Neuroendocrine tumors,Herpes, Hiv/Aids,Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,, chronic diarrhea, COPD,Love spell, Hepatitis... so i make a purchase of his herbal medicines and I have being watching my health for 6 years now and I actually comfirmed that his herbal medicines are permamnent cure and I'm so happy that i came to know of his herbal healings.You can contact Dr God hands Email: WhatsApp: +2349057214220. if you gone through exactly what I go through in terms of health conditions because really honest there is more to learn about natural herbs than medical drugs.
