Monday, 7 November 2011


What are gallstones?
Gallstones are small stones that form in your gallbladder. This is a little pouch that sits under your liver. It stores digestive juices that help your body break down food. Lots of people have gallstones.
In most people, gallstones don't cause any problems. But sometimes, they block the tubes that carry digestive juices. This can give you pain in your abdomen. And it can cause more serious problems, too, like swelling of your gallbladder.Your gallbladder is part of your digestive system.
How your gallbladder works
Your digestive system breaks down the food you eat so your body can use the nutrients.
Your gallbladder's job is to store bile. Bile is one of the digestive juices. Gall is the old name for bile.
Bile is a yellow-green liquid. It is made by your liver. It flows through tubes, also known as ducts, into your bowel. That's where it goes to work, helping to break down food.
Bile has lots of chemicals in it. One chemical is cholesterol. This is a fatty substance. Another chemical is called bile acid. It helps break down fat in the food you eat.
Your liver makes bile all the time. But it only goes into your bowel when you eat or drink. The rest of the time, it is stored in your gallbladder. This is a small, stretchy pouch that sits under your liver. Normally, your gallbladder holds about 6 teaspoons of bile.
When you eat or drink, your gallbladder squeezes bile out into a tube called the cystic duct. The bile flows down this tube into another one. That second tube is called the bile duct. It takes the bile to your bowel.
When your liver makes bile that is not needed right away, the bile flows up your cystic duct and into your gallbladder, for storage.
What happens when you have gallstones
Sometimes, when bile is stored in your gallbladder, it gets very thick. Then it can get crystals in it. Usually, the crystals are made of cholesterol from the bile. They can grow into gallstones
Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. And you may have just one big gallstone or hundreds of small ones.
The symptoms and problems gallstones cause depend on where they gets stuck and how long they stay stuck.
Gallstones can hurt a lot when they block tubes. Usually, this isn't serious. But sometimes the blockage does cause serious problems like inflammation (swelling) in your gallbladder.
Women are almost twice as likely as men to have gallstones. This is because the female sex hormone (called estrogen) makes it easier for the stones to form.
Being obese (very overweight) increases your risk of getting gallstones, especially if you are a woman.

Self-care Measures
Avoid junk food completely
Avoid oily food
Cut down of carbohydratesDrink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day



Friday, 21 October 2011


Cellulite affects the young as well as the old alike. The general belief is that cellulite affects only people who are obese. But the truth is that even women who are thin are sometimes faced with cellulite. When a person gets cellulite, the skin dimples and becomes bumpy and uneven. They mostly appear on the buttocks, stomach thighs, legs and hands.
When the fat and fluid get deposited under the skin, the skin starts dimpling due to the pressure exerted by the fatty layers resulting in cellulite.
Apple cider vinegar: is a great treatment for removing cellulite. It breaks the fat deposits under the skin and prevents skin dimpling and puckering with constant application. 

Take a quarter cup of massage oil for this purpose and mix three quarter cup of apple cider vinegar along with it. This mixture can be used for massaging the skin laden with cellulite. The application of massage oil along with apple cider vinegar is to help in greater absorption of vinegar into the skin for melting the fat.

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

Tips For Insomnia

Hot milk with honey to fight insomnia: Take a glass of warm milk for a sedative effect. You can add a spoonful of honey to it to make it more effective.
Aromatherapy: Put a few drops of sandalwood essential oil in a bowl with hot water. Place a towel around your head and over the bowl and inhale the vapor for five minutes.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco: Avoid these three ingredients at least four hours before bedtime.They contain stimulants for the nervous system which will make falling asleep very difficult. 

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Beetroot Good For?

Some Common Health Conditions Beetroot Juice Is Used For
Vitamins: A, B, C, B12 and E
Minerals: Iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sodium

-Cures Anemia thanks to high iron (that's why it's excellent for new moms who lost a lot of blood during child birth)
-Helps recover liver function through Betaine
-Reduces high blood pressure
-A great liver cleanser
-Detoxifies the blood and improves the circulation
-Improves menstrual problems
-Reduces cholesterol
-Bladder Problems
-Liver Problems
-Skin Problems

-It is also good for digestive problems such as constipation and it strengthens the bones, which is helpful for people as they get older and their bones become weaker. 
These are just some of the many beetroot health benefits that have been found in medical studies
Beetroot juice is very powerful and should always be consumed in small quantities and usually mixed with other juices, such as apple, carrot, cucumber and celery.Pure beetroot juice can lead to negative reactions within the body. 
Important Note :
+Beetroot, and especially the green leaves of the beets, contain high levels of oxalate.
High oxylate consumption can increase your body's tendency to crystallize minerals. That means they should not be consumed by people who have a tendency for kidney stones
+Due to the high amounts of natural sugars that beetroot juice contains, it is thoroughly energising, although should be avoided by diabetics. .
As with any diet changes, Check with your doctor before adding beets to your diet.
Always start with moderate amounts.
I like most-Combine Beetroot Juice with cucumber, celery, 1/2 lemon and grated ginger to balance it's sweet taste.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Medicinal Uses Of Pomegranate:(Anar)

It is rich in B and C Vitamins with plenty of Citric Acid. Its fresh juice is an excellent cooling beverage, is preventive of heat stroke and also cures fall-out effect of heat stroke, quenches thirst, useful in sickness and fever. Its juice is an invigorating tonic. 
The syrup prepared from fresh fruits, is an excellent remedy and also a tonic for digestive system. It is equally useful for the students and senile persons, who have weak memory and often fall prey to forgetfulness and memory impairment, as it fortifies memory, juice of its flowers is used in cases of nose-bleeding as a suiff (epestaxis).
Indigestion: Add finely powdered/ground and roasted cumin seeds and jaggery to 20-25 ml fresh juice, with a pinch of salt, to get relief from indigestion, acidity, sour eructations, gas formations, rumbling in abdomen and loose motions too. Stomach ache can be relieved if its seeds are taken daily, sprinkled by black pepper and rock salt.
Tonic: Fresh juice of ripe pomegranates (say about 100-150ml), alone or mixed with fresh tomato juice will regulate bowels, tone up entire system, improve circulation of blood, increase RBCs, improve and nourish skin, purge out foreign bodies. It will also strengthen and regulate cardiac rhythm. If desired, a few drops of lemon juice may also be added to it. Those who have some allergy to use of its juice, should suck juice from its seeds.
Diarrhoea and Dysentery: Take about 50-70 ml of juice of pomegranate, add powder of two cloves to it and take it, after a gap of 6-8 hours. Alternatively, grind its dried rind and mix it with Triphala (Both in equal quantity) and take a teaspoonful with whey to seek total relief from both the maladies. If whey does not suit (agree), then the powder may be taken with juice of pomegranate.
Epistaxis (Nose-Bleeding): Pour 2-4 drops of its juice in each, nostril. Half cupful of juice, mixed with sugar-candy, will relieve instant problem and, if continued for sometime will provide an almost permanent immunity from nose-bleeding. Some say that even smelling fresh rind of the fruit can also give instant relief. Further, juice of fresh leaves and semi-ripe pomegranate, if mixed together,will relieve dysentery.
Fever: As mentioned earlier also, its fruit juice quencher-thirst and provides coolness to body and brings down fever, especially if caused by effects of summer-heat, since it is a great febrifuge. During course of fever, if the patient is fed only with juice of pomegranate, it will meet bulk of his food requirements.
Spleen Enlargement: Juice of dried pomegranate root with milk is very efficacious in enlargement of spleen. In addition, it will also remove general debility.
Typhoid Fever: Give diluted sherbat, prepared from ripe fruit, in typhoidal fever. It will also be beneficial in asthmatic fevers and gastric problems.
Worms: Grind rind of (dried) pomegranate and boil on slow fire. Use when cooled in 15-20 ml dose, thrice daily, or else grind finely rinds of orange and pomegranate (5 mg per dose), add some rock salt to it.
Blood pressure (High): Take 1/2 cup of fresh fruit juice twice daily.
Loss of memory: Fresh fruit juice, mixed with honey, is an excellent memory restorer and also rejuvenator.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Homeopathic 1st Aid

The following table is a brief list of some of the most common homeopathic remedies people choose for their personal or family first aid kits.
Homeopathic first aid remedies are most often dispensed in strengths (dilutions) of 6C, 9C, 12C and 30C, with 6C for acute or sudden unset conditions and 30C for chronic or longer term, generalized conditions.
  • Cuts, Scrapes & Bruises
  • Minor Burns & Scalding
  • Insect Bites & Stings
  • Nosebleeds
  • Heat Exhaustion
  • Motion Sickness
  • Splinters
  • Blisters
  • Eye Injuries
  • Sprains & Stains

Cuts, Scrapes & Bruises Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
If bleeding, infection may occur.
  • Clean wound with a sterile gauze soaked in calendula and hypericum lotion.
  • Apply calendula cream or ointment.
  • Cover minor cuts and abrasions with a sterile dressing for 2-3 days.
Moderate to severe bruising. Arnica Montana
Take 30C every 2 hours, up to 6 doses, then 3 doses a day for 3 days.
Wound feels cold and numb.  Soothing feeling with cold compress. Ledum Palustre
Take 6C every 2 hours, up to 6 doses, then 3 doses a day for 3 days.
Wounds with shooting nerve pain. Hypericum Perforatum
Take 30C every 2 hours for up to 3 days.

Minor Burns & Scalding Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
Avoid touching burnt or scalded area as much as possible.
  • Hold under cold running water to cool skin surface and reduce pain.
  • Apply Urtica ointment to soothe the wound.
Caution: If a burn surface is larger that 3-4 inches in diameter, see a healthcare professional immediately.
Blistering burn or scalding. Searing pain.  Applying a cold compress provides soothing relief. Arnica Montana
Take 30C every 15 minutes, up to 3 doses, followed by:
Take 30C every 15 minutes, up to 6 doses.
Continuous stinging and burning pain. Urtica Urens
Take 30C every 15 minutes, up to 10 doses.

Insect Bites & Stings Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
Insect bite and sting pain, swelling and at times infection.
  • Remove bee or wasp stinger with sterile tweezers.
Caution: If sting is inside the mouth, nose, ear, or if it's in or around the eyes, rinse with cold water to reduce swelling and see a healthcare professional immediately.
Stung area is swollen, bruised and painful. Arnica Montana
Take 30C every 5 minutes, up to 10 doses, followed by:
Ledum Palustre
Take 6C every 8 hours, up to 3 days.
Stung area is red, feels hot and swollen. Apis Mellifica
Take 30C every 15 minutes, up to 6 doses.

Nosebleeds Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
Nosebleeds due to injury or after blowing the nose violently.
  • Hold head up in a seated position while pinching the lower part of the nostrils firmly for about 10 minutes, then release slowly
Caution: If bleeding persists, see a healthcare professional.
Nosebleed after an injury. Arnica Montana
Take 6C every 2 minutes, up to 10 doses.
Nosebleed brought on by blowing the nose violently. Phosphorus
Take 6C every 2 minutes, up to 10 doses.

Heat Exhaustion Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive fluid loss in hot weather.
  • Lay down in cool place.
  • Take frequent sips of salty water (1/2 teaspoon of salt per pint of water).
Nausea, severe headache aggravated by movement. Bryonia Alba
Take 30C every 5 minutes, up to 10 doses.
Throbbing, splitting headache, hot face, sweaty skin. Glonoinum
Take 30C every 5 minutes, up to 10 doses.

Motion Sickness Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
Caused by travel in car, boat, train, plane etc. Children are especially vulnerable.
Homeopathic remedies can be taken up to one hour prior to journey to prevent motion sickness.
Nausea, dizziness and faintness, chills, sweating, worsens near tobacco smoke. Tabacum
Take 6C every 15 minutes, up to 10 doses.
Queasiness, chills, headache at back of head or over one eye, worse from food, tobacco smoke and coffee. Nux Vomica
Take 6C every 15 minutes, up to 10 doses.

Splinters Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
May cause infection.
  • Remove splinter with sterile tweezers.
Caution: If not inoculated against tetanus within the past 10 years, see a healthcare professional immediately.
Stinging burning pain.
Applying a warm compress may draw splinter closer to the surface.
Take 12C, 4 times a day, up to 14 days.

Blisters Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
Bubbles of fluid under the skin caused by friction or burning.
  • If blisters burst, bathe with calendula and hypericum solution.

Itching, burning blisters.  A cold compress provides soothing relief. Cantharis
Take 12C, 4 times a day until pain subsides.
Red, swollen and itchy blisters. Rhus Toxicodendron
Take 12C, 4 times a day until pain subsides.

Eye Injuries Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
The eye is delicate and easily damaged by pressure, injury and foreign objects.
  • Wash dust and grit from the eye with cold water.
  • Bathe with  calendula & Hypericum solution to prevent infection.
  • If still painful after removing object, bathe eye with euphrasia solution every 4 hours.
Caution: All eye injuries should be examined by a healthcare professional. If eye has been penetrated or chemically contaminated, call an ambulance or other emergency care provider.
Black eye or bruising around the eye after injury. Arnica Montana
Take 6C every 2 hours, up to 4 doses.
Black eye.  Persistent pain that is soothed by applying a cold compress. Ledum Palustre
Take 6C every 2 hours, up to 10 doses.
Persistent pain after removing a foreign object. Euphrasia Officinalis
Take 6C every 2 hours for up to 3 doses.

Sprains & Strains Key Symptoms Remedy & Dosage
Sprains caused by overstretching of ligaments may bind the joints. This can range from mild to severe which can also affect the muscles. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness and pain whenever joint or muscle is used.
  • Provide support to injured area in the most comfortable position.
  • To reduce swelling apply a cold compress soaked in cold water and 10 drops of arnica tincture.
  • If the ankle is sprained, provide firm support and apply arnica cream.
Pulled tendons and ligaments accompanied by pain and stiffness. Arnica Montana
Take 30C every 30 minutes, up to 10 doses, followed by:
Ruta Graveolens
Take 12C, 4 times a day until pain and stiffness subsides.
Torn muscle, hot swollen joints, pain is worse on start of move and wares off with continued movement. Arnica Montana
Take 30C every 30 minutes, up to 10 doses, followed by:
Rhus Toxicodendron
Take 12C, 4 times a day until pain and stiffness subsides.

Homeopathic & Home Remedies 4r HeartBurns

Patient feels discomfortable or pain caused like stomach contents traveling up from the stomach to lower part of Esophagus.
The main symptoms of heart burning are burning sensation in the center of the chest .Nausea- gas in Stomach .
The following homeopathic remedies can help with occasional heartburn or with heartburn during pregnancy. Chronic heartburn should be treated by a professional homeopath
Homeopathic Remedies For Heartburns
Pulsatilla: Heartburn that is worse after eating rich, fatty foods. These people feel worse in a warm room and better in cool, fresh air.
Nux Vomica: Heartburn brought on by stress, alcohol or spicy foods. These people are chilly, oversensitive to stimuli and are very irritable.

Arsenicum: Heartburn characterized by a burning in the esophagus or stomach, relieved by milk or warm liquids.
Carbo Vegetabilis: Heartburn accompanied by bloating, gas and belching..
Phosphorus: Heartburn accompanied by burning pain in the stomach relieved by drinking cold liquids.
Lycopodium: Helps lower gas and flatulence especially after over-eating brings on bloating, abdominal fullness and pain.

Staphysagria:Heart burn caused by smoking.
Calcarea Carb:Burning sensation in the stomach .
AcridEructions,sometimes sour at other times alkaline in taste feeling of pressure over the stomach with Vomiting of food and mucus

Dosage and Repetition: Take a 12C or 30C -30 potency (strength) of the remedy, 2-3 times per day. If a few doses of the remedy brings no relief, try another remedy, or consult a professional homeopath. 
Heartburn Home Remedies:
+Eating an apple after you first experience heartburn may help.
+Eat a table spoon of dark brown sugar

+Take one tablespoon of yellow mustard. This immediately stops heartburn.
+Drink a few shot glasses full of pickle juice. Dill pickle juice! It works wonders.
+The juices of vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, radishes, or beets help to tame the acid in the stomach due to their alkaline nature. Feel free to add a pinch of salt and pepper for flavour. If juicing vegetables is inconvenient or strange to you, just eat some raw vegetables.

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

Remedies For Cold Sores

Cold sores, also referred to as fever blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores are contagious. They are often mistaken for canker sores – a non contagious mouth ulcer. Cold sores mainly occur on the skin adjacent to mouth, mostly on the lips. Sometimes they may occur on chin, nostrils, fingers or genitals.
+Ice is a very good home remedy for cold sores. Rub ice on the infected skin for few minutes, repeat this every hour.
+Lemon balm contains a high concentration of polyphenols and appears to minimize herpes outbreaks. It can be applied topically in cream form.
+Place a small amount of salt on the cold sore and hold it in place with your finger for a minute or two. This may be painful but it is one of the quickest ways to heal cold sores.
+Apply a tea bag for few minutes on the blisters, repeat this every hour. One can also consider pressing a warm tea bag on the blisters for approximately 30 minutes.
+Cut garlic in half and place one part on the cold sore. A compound in garlic cold Kyolic has antiviral properties which speeds healing. Take 2 garlic capsules a day.
+According to some naturalists cold milk has a role in cold sore treatment as they believe it can provide relief and even promote healing. According to some, you could simply soak a cotton ball or swab in some cold milk and dab it or apply gently over the sore.
+For cold sore on lips treatment using peppermint oil has also been found to be very effective. +Peppermint oil can penetrate the skin and its powerful antiviral properties can have a curing effect on cold sores.
+Small pieces of raw onion can be applied directly on the cold sores for treating and preventing cold sores from getting worse.
+Acidic and salty foods. Foods such as chocolates, peanuts, grains, peas, seeds, oatmeal and whole-wheat are high in arginine, therefore they should be restricted.
+Avoid tea and coffee. Avoid processed food.
+Avoid any spicy or hard, crisp foods that could irritate the skin. 
+Eat lots of fruits and green leafy vegetables
+Eat vitamin rich diet. Your diet must include vitamin A, C and E. Zinc and iron are also necessary. Include garlic in your diet. Eat fresh food with high antioxidants and high complex carbohydrates.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Man Happy

                                    3-Sense of Humor
                                        4-Social Life
5-Accept His Friends
8-Sweet Reminders
10-Sex Life