Saturday, 15 October 2011

Medicinal Uses Of Pomegranate:(Anar)

It is rich in B and C Vitamins with plenty of Citric Acid. Its fresh juice is an excellent cooling beverage, is preventive of heat stroke and also cures fall-out effect of heat stroke, quenches thirst, useful in sickness and fever. Its juice is an invigorating tonic. 
The syrup prepared from fresh fruits, is an excellent remedy and also a tonic for digestive system. It is equally useful for the students and senile persons, who have weak memory and often fall prey to forgetfulness and memory impairment, as it fortifies memory, juice of its flowers is used in cases of nose-bleeding as a suiff (epestaxis).
Indigestion: Add finely powdered/ground and roasted cumin seeds and jaggery to 20-25 ml fresh juice, with a pinch of salt, to get relief from indigestion, acidity, sour eructations, gas formations, rumbling in abdomen and loose motions too. Stomach ache can be relieved if its seeds are taken daily, sprinkled by black pepper and rock salt.
Tonic: Fresh juice of ripe pomegranates (say about 100-150ml), alone or mixed with fresh tomato juice will regulate bowels, tone up entire system, improve circulation of blood, increase RBCs, improve and nourish skin, purge out foreign bodies. It will also strengthen and regulate cardiac rhythm. If desired, a few drops of lemon juice may also be added to it. Those who have some allergy to use of its juice, should suck juice from its seeds.
Diarrhoea and Dysentery: Take about 50-70 ml of juice of pomegranate, add powder of two cloves to it and take it, after a gap of 6-8 hours. Alternatively, grind its dried rind and mix it with Triphala (Both in equal quantity) and take a teaspoonful with whey to seek total relief from both the maladies. If whey does not suit (agree), then the powder may be taken with juice of pomegranate.
Epistaxis (Nose-Bleeding): Pour 2-4 drops of its juice in each, nostril. Half cupful of juice, mixed with sugar-candy, will relieve instant problem and, if continued for sometime will provide an almost permanent immunity from nose-bleeding. Some say that even smelling fresh rind of the fruit can also give instant relief. Further, juice of fresh leaves and semi-ripe pomegranate, if mixed together,will relieve dysentery.
Fever: As mentioned earlier also, its fruit juice quencher-thirst and provides coolness to body and brings down fever, especially if caused by effects of summer-heat, since it is a great febrifuge. During course of fever, if the patient is fed only with juice of pomegranate, it will meet bulk of his food requirements.
Spleen Enlargement: Juice of dried pomegranate root with milk is very efficacious in enlargement of spleen. In addition, it will also remove general debility.
Typhoid Fever: Give diluted sherbat, prepared from ripe fruit, in typhoidal fever. It will also be beneficial in asthmatic fevers and gastric problems.
Worms: Grind rind of (dried) pomegranate and boil on slow fire. Use when cooled in 15-20 ml dose, thrice daily, or else grind finely rinds of orange and pomegranate (5 mg per dose), add some rock salt to it.
Blood pressure (High): Take 1/2 cup of fresh fruit juice twice daily.
Loss of memory: Fresh fruit juice, mixed with honey, is an excellent memory restorer and also rejuvenator.

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