The main symptoms of heart burning are burning sensation in the center of the chest .Nausea- gas in Stomach .
The following homeopathic remedies can help with occasional heartburn or with heartburn during pregnancy. Chronic heartburn should be treated by a professional homeopath
Homeopathic Remedies For Heartburns
Pulsatilla: Heartburn that is worse after eating rich, fatty foods. These people feel worse in a warm room and better in cool, fresh air.
Nux Vomica: Heartburn brought on by stress, alcohol or spicy foods. These people are chilly, oversensitive to stimuli and are very irritable.
Carbo Vegetabilis: Heartburn accompanied by bloating, gas and belching..
Phosphorus: Heartburn accompanied by burning pain in the stomach relieved by drinking cold liquids.
Lycopodium: Helps lower gas and flatulence especially after over-eating brings on bloating, abdominal fullness and pain.
Staphysagria:Heart burn caused by smoking.
Calcarea Carb:Burning sensation in the stomach .
AcridEructions,sometimes sour at other times alkaline in taste feeling of pressure over the stomach with Vomiting of food and mucus
Dosage and Repetition: Take a 12C or 30C -30 potency (strength) of the remedy, 2-3 times per day. If a few doses of the remedy brings no relief, try another remedy, or consult a professional homeopath.
Heartburn Home Remedies:
+Eating an apple after you first experience heartburn may help.
+Eat a table spoon of dark brown sugar
+Take one tablespoon of yellow mustard. This immediately stops heartburn.
+Drink a few shot glasses full of pickle juice. Dill pickle juice! It works wonders.
+The juices of vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, radishes, or beets help to tame the acid in the stomach due to their alkaline nature. Feel free to add a pinch of salt and pepper for flavour. If juicing vegetables is inconvenient or strange to you, just eat some raw vegetables.
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
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