Thursday, 23 June 2016
Health Benefits Of Unripe Mangoes
Native to Southeast Asia and India, the mango is the most widely consumed fresh fruit in the world, with worldwide production exceeding 17 million metric tonnes a year. The mango is a member of the Anachardiaceae family which includes poison ivy, cashews, and pistachios. It is also known as manga, mangga, mangot, mangou, and mangue in other parts of the world.
Cultivated for over 6,000 years, the mango comes in over 50 varieties, ranging in colour from greenish, yellowish, to reddish, often tinged with purple, pink, orange-yellow, or red.
Alexis Mucumbitsi, the in charge of nutrition at the Ministry of Health, explains that mangoes are important in the prevention of diseases because they are rich in various vitamins.
He says that the fruit is rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and 82% of magnesium which is vital for the extraction of wastes in the body.
“Raw mangoes contain an acid which helps ease digestion and control constipation. They also help the skin soften and breathe making it healthy. Mangoes also help in the fight against diabetes by reducing sugar levels in the body,” Mucumbitsi says.
Treat blood disorders:
Raw mangoes are extremely beneficial in treating blood disorders because of their high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and boosts the formation of new blood cells. It also aids the absorption of iron and prevents bleeding tendencies besides increasing body resistance against TB, anaemia, cholera and dysentery.
Indigestion and constipation:
Raw mangoes are good for hormonal health.They contain Vitamin B that helps you retain good health. They also help with indigestion and constipation problems. Furthermore, they cleanse the intestine and clear off many other infections. Raw mango contains vitamin A and Vitamin E that enhances one’s hormonal system.
Prevent dehydration:
Eating unripe mangoes with salt prevents the excessive loss of water from the body, and helps to quench thirst. In addition, it also protects one from the negative effects of very high temperature. Drinking unripe mango juice prevents the excessive loss of sodium chloride and iron to excessive sweating.
Treats gastro-intestinal disorders:
Unripe mangoes are a rich source of pectin, which if mixed with honey and salt, is highly beneficial in treating gastro-intestinal disorders. It is also considered as very effective medicine for diarrhea, piles, morning sickness, chronic dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation.
Treat liver disorders:
Unripe mangoes help in treating liver disorders because they increase the secretion of bile acids and clean the intestines of bacterial infections.Chewing a piece of green mango
They also have more Antioxidants and Vitamin C than ripe mangoes. These antioxidant properties protect the body against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Reduces Weight:
Raw mango is one of the best fruits to eat when you want to lose those calories. It is a lot better than the ripe mango which contains a whole lot of sugar to add to the pounds.
Reduce acidity:
For Acidity If you are suffering from acidity and chest burn, raw mango is the best fruit to put an end to the problem. Chew on a piece of raw mango to reduce acidity.
Morning Sickness:
It is only normal for pregnant women to indulge in pickles and anything sour. Therefore, this raw or green mango puts an end to that morning sickness.
Gives Energy:
Did you know, raw mango gives you a lot of energy. Experts state that raw mango should be consumed after a lunch meal to help revive one from afternoon drowsiness.
Good for constipation:
If you are constipated and nothing seems to be working try binging on green mango for constipation. Chop raw mango and add it to salt and honey for a bad hard tummy.
Excessive Sweating:
Drinking raw mango juice prevents the excessive loss of sodium chloride and iron during the summer season due to excessive sweating. This is another health benefit of raw mangoes.
For Diabetics:
It is also another good and healthy fruit for diabetics. Raw mango should be consumed along with yogurt or rice to cut the sugar levels in the body.
Dental Care:
The most important part of your body which many choose to ignore is the teeth. Raw or green mangoes is good for the gums. It also prevents bleeding of the gums, bad odour and tooth decay.
Immune System:
Eating raw mangoes help in building the immune system of the body keeping one younger and healthier. This is a well know health benefit of green mango.
Prevents Scurvy: (deficiency of vitamin C.)
Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of vitamin C. However, it can be prevented by consuming a lot of raw mango in the summer season.
Prevents Loss of Minerals:
Eating raw mango juice in the summers is necessary because it prevents the loss of iron and sodium chloride in the body. The loss of the minerals during the summers happen due to excess sweating and thus eating the raw mango juice prevents this loss.
Raw Mangoes Has Anticancer Properties:
Phenols and phenolic compounds and other antioxidants in mangoes are found to be having anti-cancer properties. Eating raw mangoes regularly may help ward off cancer
Improves Resistance Against Diseases
Green mangoes help the body to increase immunity and resistance against a number of diseases and disorders. Tuberculosis, anaemia, cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, piles, chronic dyspepsia as well as various forms of cancer and cardiac diseases can be prevented with regular consumption of green mangoes.
Hence, not only apples, but also eating a green mango a day could keep the doctor away.
Source : Google
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
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