Thursday, 28 January 2016
Fatty Liver Treatment
There are two types of fatty liver.
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
Nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) develops when the liver has difficulty breaking down fats, which causes a buildup in the liver tissue. The cause is not related to alcohol. NAFL is diagnosed when more than 10 percent of the liver is fat.
Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Alcoholic fatty liver is the earliest stage of alcohol-related liver disease. Heavy drinking damages the liver, and the liver cannot break down fats as a result. Abstaining from alcohol will likely cause the fatty liver to subside. Within six weeks of not drinking alcohol, the fat will disappear. However, if excessive alcohol use continues, cirrhosis may develop.
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
When the fat builds up enough, it will cause the liver to swell. If the original cause is not from alcohol, it’s called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). This disease can impair liver function.
Stages (Grades) of Fatty Liver
Fatty liver as mentioned is not a critical condition, its stages of development are divided in grades
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 1 and grade 2 of fatty liver can be controlled with proper medication.
Causes of Fatty liver
Why fatty liver occurs, is unknown. A fatty diet or overeating by itself never results in a fatty liver. The fat may come from increased absorption from the intestines or from elsewhere in the body. But, putting it generally, the liver loses its capacity to eliminate fats deposited within it.
Yet, 70% of persons suffering from NASH are found to be obese.
Some common causes of NASH are:
Metabolic syndromes
Apart from alcohol, there are many conditions that cause an imbalance in the body's metabolic capacity
High blood pressures (hypertension)
High blood cholesterols
Glycogen storage disease
Congenital disorders like Wolman's disease
Congenital diseases like Wilson's disease which affects copper levels
Weber-Christian disease affecting nutrient absorption.
Galactosemia - a disorder which affects the way milk is metabolized in the body.
Infections like tuberculosis and malaria.
Nutritional causes
Severe mal-nutrition
Sudden rapid weight loss
Surgeries performed to reduce obesity - gastric bypass surgery, jejuno-ileal bypass, etc.
Valproic acids ( used in epileptic patients)
Medications for heart conditions like irregular heartbeats and high blood pressures e.g. amiodarone; diltiazem.
Tamoxifen - used in treating breast cancer.
Anti-retroviral drugs (indinavir)
Overdose of Vitamin A.
In extreme cases, amiodarone and methotexate can cause cirrhosis.
toxins from food stuffs like
rancid peanuts - aflatoxins are extremely toxic
mushroom poisonings
phosphorus from environment
Risk factors for Fatty liver
Your chances of developing fatty liver are high if you
are obese
are an alcoholic
Suffer from high blood pressures which often fluctuate or are on long-term medications for the same.
Blood cholesterol levels are high.
Viruses like hepatitis A
Oily Food
High Triglyceride Levels
appetite loss
abdominal pain
yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
Pain in the upper right abdomen
Malaise - or a feeling of severe discomfort, making the person want to rest,
Fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, more in the right upper corner
Occasionally the liver maybe painful on pressure.
However, with fatty liver unchecked can progress into cirrhosis which is life-threatening. Thereafter, features of liver failure present themselves.
Mild to moderate reddish discolorations just below the superficial skin layers which blanch on pressure (spider naevi)
Abdominal dissension (due to increased fluid in the abdomen - ascites)
Easy bleeds from small trauma.
Blood doesn't clot soon enough
Fine to moderate tremors of the fingers
Flapping tremors of the hands (asterexis)
Itching in hands and legs which gradually spread all over the body
Veins in legs, abdomen, seem engorged and distended.
Poor memory, poor concentration, dullness of thoughts, mental confusion » this is an emergency (encephalopathy)!!
Loss of sexual interest
Yellowish discoloration of skin (jaundice), dark colored urine.
If left untreated, NASH can progress to permanent scarring of the liver and eventual liver failure.
Diagnosis Of Fatty Liver
Physical Exam
If your liver is inflamed, your doctor can detect it by examining your abdomen. Let your doctor know if you have been experiencing fatigue or loss of appetite. Also, tell your doctor about any history of alcohol, medication, and supplement use.
Blood Tests
Blood tests may be helpful as screening tests for liver inflammation, although liver function studies such as serum transaminases (AST, ALT) may be normal or elevated and not necessarily related to the severity of the liver disease.
Other liver tests such as alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin are often normal. Serum ferritin (a measure of iron storage) may be abnormal. In patients with NAFLD and NASH, cholesterol levels including triglycerides are often elevated.
Liver Function Tests: LFT
Abnormal levels of liver enzymes in the blood identify as well as provide a deeper understanding of the cause of fatty liver. This test also provides insight into the efficacy of treatment and the improvement to be expected.
Imaging Studies
Ultrasound of the liver can reveal patterns suggestive of fatty infiltration of the liver. Computerized tomography (CT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan) are also useful in the evaluation of fatty liver.
Liver Biopsy
In a liver biopsy, your doctor will insert a needle into the liver to remove a piece of tissue for examination. Your doctor will give you a local anesthetic to lessen the pain. This is the only way to know for certain if you have fatty liver. The biopsy will also help your doctor determine the exact cause.
In general, people with fatty liver disease have no symptoms, especially in the beginning. However, some people may experience abdominal discomfort, fatigue, loss of appetite, a general feeling of being unwell and vague discomfort.
This is why proper diagnosis is important before starting any treatment.
Currently, there is no effective treatment for fatty liver disease. However, it is a reversible condition and can usually be treated with simple lifestyle changes, dietary changes
What are Homeopathic Treatments?
Homeopathic treatments involve practices, lifestyle changes, and herbal medicine. They put the emphasis on curing the whole body rather than the individual condition.
This is even more true in the case of a fatty liver, where the condition is often a result of other illnesses in your body, such as obesity and diabetes. With some exceptions, such as genetic factors, medications, rare metabolic disorders and the hepatitis virus, the cause of a fatty liver is often due to poor lifestyle choices.
More and more people are leaning towards natural treatments in order to avoid adding chemicals and other potentially harmful products to their systems. A homeopathic regimen will often include special herbs, teas, foods, lifestyle practices and a special liver cleansing diet.
Homeopathic Remedies for Fatty Liver
The Homeopathic remedies for fatty liver can reverse the condition of fatty liver and bring it to normal. The Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances, are given to patients after studying the unique symptoms experienced by each individual.
The natural homeopathic remedies for a fatty liver are completely safe with no side effects.\
Fatty Liver with pain in right upper abdomen
Chelidonium is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Fatty Liver treatment. The marked symptom for using this Homeopathic medicine is pain in right upper abdomen and pain under right shoulder. There may also be an enlargement of liver.The person is usually constipated. The stool passes in the form of hard balls. A distended abdomen with nausea and vomiting is also experienced. The patient suffers from excessive weakness. In case of jaundice in a patient with Fatty Liver too, Chelidonium is the best Homeopathic remedy. A hallmark symptom that adds weightage for selecting this medicine is a desire for very hot drinks and hot food.
Fatty Liver with acidity
Lycopodium is a natural Homeopathic remedy of great help for treating Fatty Liver with gastric symptoms and acidity. The patient complains of distension or bloating of abdomen soon after eating anything. The abdomen feels full of gas. Burning belching is also experienced. Even eating a little causes fullness in abdomen. The patient feels heaviness and pain in the right upper part of abdomen. Usually the symptoms get worse towards the evening. Farinaceous food makes the person worse. An unusual craving for sweets and hot drinks in excess may be present.
Fatty Liver with food coming up after eating
Phosphorus is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for patients of Fatty Liver who feel as if the food is coming upwards after eating. This is accompanied by sour belching. Vomiting may also occur in a few cases, along with pain in liver. The stool and flatus are very offensive. The patient feels weak after passing stool. The craving for peculiar things in diet is an important indication for using this Homeopathic medicine in Fatty Liver patients. These peculiar things include ice creams, cold drinks and refreshing items like juices.
Calcarea Carb:
Obese Fatty Liver patients
Calcarea Carb is a very beneficial natural Homeopathic medicine for mainly obese Fatty Liver patients. The person is fatty, flabby with excess fat in liver and whole abdomen. This Homeopathic remedy successfully helps in burning excess fat in liver.The digestion is very slow in such persons with a long-standing constipation. The abdomen always remains distended. Milk is not suitable for these persons. A few constitutional symptoms that are taken note of is a desire for boiled eggs or strange things like chalk and pencils. Another is sensitivity to cold air and excessive sweating on the head.
Nux Vomica:
Fatty Liver with pain in abdomen after eating
Natural remedy Nux Vomica is the best fatty liver cure in homeopathy when the cause is over consumption of Alcohol . It is prescribed when pain in abdomen begins a few hours after eating, with a feeling of stone in abdomen. Sour or bitter belching accompanies the pain.
A very significant symptom for selecting Homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica for Fatty Liver is constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool or poop. The stool, however, is insufficient and unsatisfactory. The passing out of stool gives some relief from the pain in abdomen but the urge to pass stool is renewed soon after. The patient craves for fattyfood, spicy food, coffee and alcoholic drinks in diet.
When there are stitching pains in the right hypochondriac region
Bryonia is the first remedy to be thought of, though for these pains we have other remedies, such as Chelidonium and Kali carbonicum. Under Bryonia the liver is swollen, congested and inflamed; the pains in the hypochondriac region are worse from any motion, and better from lying on the right side, which lessens the motion of the parts when breathing . It is one of the chief remedies for jaundice brought on by a fit of
Carduus Marianus
This remedy is indicated in jaundice with dull headache, bitter taste, white tongue with red edges, nausea and vomiting of a greenish fluid. There is an uncomfortable fullness in the region of the liver, the stools are bilious and the urine golden yellow; there is sensitiveness in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium. Burnett regards a dark brownish patch over the lower part of the sternum as a useful hint for Carduus, and in such cases he observes that both the liver and heart are at fault. The presence of "liver spots seems to be a special indication for the remedy.
Myrica Cerifera.
Myrica is an important liver remedy. There is first despondency and also jaundice due to imperfect formation of bile in the liver, and not to any obstruction, comparing here with Digitalis. There is dull headache, worse in the morning, the eyes have a dingy, dirty, yellowish hue, the tongue is coated yellow
Source: Google
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Health benefits of pine nuts-Chilgoza
Botanically, pine trees belong to the family of Pinaceae, in the genus: Pinus. Some of the common names are pinon nuts, pignoli, cedar nuts, chilgoza, pinyon pinenuts...etc.
Pine nuts are one of the calorie-rich edible nuts. 100 g of dry-kernels provide 673 calories. Additionally, they comprise of numerous health promoting phyto-chemicals, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.
Their high caloric content chiefly comes from fats. Indeed, the nuts are especially rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid (18:1 undifferentiated fat) that helps to lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increases HDL or "good-cholesterol" in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet which contain good amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants, helps to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
Pine or cedar nuts contain essential fatty acid (omega-6 fat), pinolenic acid. Recent research has shown its potential use in weight loss by curbing appetite. Pinolenic acid triggers the release of hunger-suppressant enzymes cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in the gut. In addition, pinolenic acid has thought to have LDL-lowering properties by enhancing hepatic LDL uptake.
Likewise in almonds, pines too are an excellent source of vitamin E; contain about 9.33 mg per 100 g (about 62% of RDA). Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals.
Furthermore, pines are one of gluten free tree nuts, and therefore, are a popular ingredient in the preparation of gluten-free food formulas. Such formula preparations can be a healthy alternative in people with wheat food allergy, and celiac disease.
Pine nuts are an excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and folates. These vitamins work as co-factors for enzymes in cellular substrate metabolism inside the human body.
Furthermore, pine nuts contain healthy amounts of essential minerals like manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. At 8.802 mg per 100 g (about 383% of daily recommended intake), pines are one of the richest sources of manganese. Manganese is an all-important co-factor for antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. It is therefore, consumption of pines helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals.
Pine nut oil has a delicate flavor with sweet aroma, and is being employed in many traditional medicinal applications. The main chemical components in pine oil are borneol, bornyl acetate, a and ß-phellandrene, a-pinene and ß-pinene. Its emollient property helps to keep skin well protected from dryness. It has also been employed in cooking, and as “carrier or base oil” in traditional medicines in aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
Safety profile
There are several reported cases of altered taste perception (cacogeusia or pine mouth) following to pine nut consumption. It appears few days after eating the nuts and may persists for up to a week. However, Pine mouth is self-limited condition and resolves on its own without any sequel.
Pine nut allergy may occur in some sensitive individuals. The reaction symptoms may range from simple skin itching (hives) to severe form of anaphylactic manifestations, including breathing difficulty, pain abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea.
Cross-reactions may also occur with some other nuts and fruits, especially of Anacardiaceae family members such as mango, cashew nuts, pistachio... etc. Persons with known allergic reactions to these nuts may therefore need to observe caution while eating them.
Pine nuts are an excellent source of vitamin E, copper, vitamin K and iron. All of these nutrients support heart health. Furthermore, pine nuts are an excellent source of monounsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fat is a healthy fat that helps reduce cholesterol. High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. Therefore, pine nuts can potentially reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Vitamins E and K
Pine nuts provide generous amounts of the essential vitamins E and K. Both of these nutrients have an effect on your cardiovascular system -- vitamin K allows you to form clots to prevent bleeding after injury, while vitamin E helps you produce red blood cells essential for oxygen transport. Each ounce of pine nuts contains 2.7 milligrams of vitamin E, or 18 percent of your recommended daily intake, established by the Institute of Medicine. Pine nuts also provide 15 micrograms of vitamin K per ounce -- 12 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 17 percent for women.
Manganese and Zinc
Incorporate pine nuts into your diet to reap the benefits of their manganese and zinc content. Manganese helps maintain your body's hormone balance and connective tissue strength, while zinc supports your immune system and aids in wound healing. Each ounce of pine nuts provides 2.5 milligrams of manganese -- your entire daily recommended intake -- and also contains 16 percent of the recommended daily zinc intake for men and 23 percent for women, as determined by the Institute of Medicine.
Slow Down The Aging Process
Everyone seems to be looking for the elusive Fountain of Youth. One of the simplest things that people can do to look and feel younger is to eat more anti-aging foods. Pine nuts have antioxidants that help fight aging. These antioxidants also help prevent free radical damage. Free radicals not only accelerate the process of aging, but they can also increase the risk of cancer and a host of other serious health conditions.Copper is also present in pine nuts and is also known to help prevent aging.
Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration is an eye condition that is very common in older people. In fact, 30 percent of people who are over the age of 80 have this condition. This condition is the leading cause of blindness in older adults. The good news is that diets that are rich in beta-carotene and lutein can help protect against age-related macular degeneration.
Pine nuts are an excellent source of lutein and beta-carotene. Additionally, these nutrients can protect against cataracts, which are another eye problem that is very common in older people.
Boost Of Energy
You should have a cup of pine nuts the next time that you feel yourself struggling to get through your day. Pine nuts are high in magnesium and protein, which are two nutrients that your body needs for energy. Magnesium has also been shown to be very effective at alleviating muscle cramping.
Improves cardiovascular health:
Pine nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats that help to lower cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of pine nuts increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol in the body. Oleic acid in pine nuts helps the liver to remove triglycerides from the body. It also favors a healthy blood lipid profile, preventing coronary artery diseases and strokes.
Weight loss:
Eating a handful of pine nuts can help in weight management. A study has found that swapping healthy unsaturated fats for saturated fats can help you to lose weight without reducing your calorie intake. Pine nuts are very effective in suppressing appetite. Pinolenic acid stimulates CCK (cholecystokinin), a hormone that signals the brain that the stomach is full. This curbs the appetite, keeping you full for a longer time. Pine nuts can decrease food intake by 37%.
Appetite Suppressors
Cholecystokinin is a hormone that act's as an appetite suppressant has its source in pine nuts. They also contain pinolenic acid that enhance other hormones, which act as hunger suppressors and hence the pine nuts nutrition is found to give energy as well as reduce hunger.
A 2009 study published in the "Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology" found that when ingested, pine nut produced a feeling of fullness. This lead to a reduction in the quantity of food consumed. Pine nut was found to stimulate the neuronal pathways to the brain that trigger satiation and appetite reduction.
The appetite suppressing effect took just 30 minutes to cause a drop in food intake, according to a 2006 study by the American Physiological Society reported in the April 4, 2006 issue of Science Daily. Appetite suppressors signal the brain to diminish hunger and the desire to eat.
Improves eye health:
Pine nuts contain beta-carotene and antioxidants, which are very beneficial for the health of the eyes. Lutein in pine nuts helps the eyes to filter UV light, preventing macular damage. It also prevents our eyesight from deteriorating with age.
Pine nuts are an excellent option for evening snacking. It contains protein that provides an instant source of energy. It also helps to repair and build the muscle tissues. Protein is a slow burning fuel that provides a long lasting energy boost which does not result in burnout. It also helps to improve the body’s use of oxygen, increasing the energy levels.
Skin health:
Vitamin E in pine nuts is required for maintaining the integrity of the cell membranes. It also protects the skin from the harmful UV rays. The emollient properties of pine nut oil keep the skin well moisturized.
High in iron
Pine nuts are rich in iron, which the body uses for a great many of its essential processes, such as the regulation of our central nervous system and the circulation of blood throughout our bodies. The copper that is naturally present in pine nuts also aids in the absorption of iron by our body.
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Friday, 22 January 2016
Get Rid of Whiteheads With Home Remedies
Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones,Whiteheads are a form of acne. Just like pimples and blackheads, they are caused by clogged pores. The sebaceous glands produce oil to moisturize your skin. When there is excessive sebum secretion (like during teenage due to hormonal imbalance), oil builds up inside the pores along with dirt and dead skin cells.
This trapped oil swells and turns into a white pustule and is known as a whitehead. They usually are of white or yellowish color, as they are not exposed to oxygen like blackheads are. They generally occur on nose, cheekbone & chin and affect both women and men during teen years and beyond.
A word of caution is not to pop your whiteheads with your hands, as that will aggravate your problem, causing pimples, infection and even scarring.
People with overactive sebaceous glands and excess sebum production are more prone to develop whiteheads. This usually happens due to hormonal changes or genetic factors
• Try to avoid too much of makeup, where ever you can. Makeup tends to clog your pores, which is the main cause of whiteheads and acne.
• Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day, to flush out toxins and detoxify your system and skin. This will keep you hydrated and less susceptible to pimples and other types of acne.
• Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Include those that are rich in vitamin A and E in your diet (including green leafy vegetables) to keep your system and skin healthy.
• Frequently change your bed sheets and pillows. This will help you in keeping your pillow cover bacteria free which otherwise aggravate skin problems, including whiteheads.
• Keep your hair clean. The natural oil from your hair runs down on your face which is the main cause of pimples / whiteheads around the hair line. Clean hair leads to less likelihood of whiteheads on your face.
• In case whiteheads and acne problem persist or is acute, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist to get rid of whiteheads.
Sugar Scrub
A homemade sugar scrub can work wonders for your skin. It will help exfoliate your skin to remove excess oil and debris trapped in the pores without causing dryness.
• Mix together one tablespoon each of sugar and honey.
• Apply it on your face and gently massage in circular motions.
• Leave it on for a few minutes.
• Wipe it off using a wet washcloth and then wash your face.
• Do this once or twice a week on a regular basis.
Lemon Juice
Being rich in alpha hydroxy acids, lemon juice helps exfoliate the skin and also facilitates cell regeneration. It also helps get rid of excess oil due to its astringent properties.
• Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply the juice on your face.
• Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash your face with cold water.
• Do this daily before going to bed. Continue for at least a few months.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar works like an astringent and thus removes excess oil from the skin. Plus, it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help fight acne.
• Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Apply this solution on your face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
• Another option is to mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts cornstarch. Spread it on your face. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before scrubbing it off. Clean your face with a washcloth soaked in warm water. Follow with a cold water rinse to close the pores.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil can be used as a natural astringent to reduce oiliness and get rid of whiteheads. Due to its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil will also fight acne.
• Dip a cotton swab in water and put three or four drops of tea tree oil on it.
• Dab it on the affected area.
• Leave it on at least for 30 minutes.
• Wash it off with cool water.
• Do this twice daily until you see improvement.
Cinnamon-Oat Flour
Cinnamon is excellent for improving the quality of your skin. When used as a scrub, it helps reduce blackheads and whiteheads. It also promotes the production of collagen, thereby facilitating skin regeneration. Plus, cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that fight acne.
• Mix together one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and oat flour with sufficient warm water to make a thick paste. Spread it on your face and scrub for a few minutes. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
• Alternatively, you can apply a paste of one teaspoon each of honey and aloe vera gel and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
Use either of these remedies two or three times a week until you are satisfied with the results
Note: Before using cinnamon on your skin, perform a patch test to make sure you are not allergic to it.
Gram Flour (Besan)
Gram flour is an excellent ingredient for deep cleansing and exfoliating your skin to remove dead skin and absorb excess oil. It will also help get rid of unwanted facial hair.
• Mix two tablespoons of gram flour in sufficient yogurt to make a thick paste.
• Optionally, stir in one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of turmeric powder.
• Spread it on your face and leave it on until it dries completely.
• Scrub it off and then wash your face.
• Repeat two or three times a week on a regular basis.
Strawberries are another useful home remedy for whiteheads. Their mildly abrasive texture exfoliates the skin, thereby removing trapped dirt, dead skin cells and oil clogging the pores.
They also contain salicylic acid, a common ingredient used in anti-acne treatments to help unblock pores. Plus, the ellagic acid present in this fruit protects the skin from sun damage caused by ultraviolet rays.
• Mash two or three strawberries to make a paste.
• Mix in one tablespoon of honey.
• Spread it on your face and gently massage in circular motions for a few minutes.
• Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off.
• Repeat once or twice a week for a few months.
For best results, use the exfoliating masks and scrubs after facial steaming.
• Simply applying rosewater with a cotton swab on the affected region will cause the infection to heal in some time.
• If you are particular about the smell aspect of the face mask, this can be the best solution to try at home.
• In fact, a few drops of rosewater can be added to any face mask you prepare for imparting a pleasant smell.
Milk and vinegar
• A mix of milk, common salt, and table spoon can also act wonders for your skin.
• For staunch acnes, you can try Apple cider Vinegar.
• After you apply the vinegar, let it dry for some time.
• Do not rinse immediately!
Coriander leaves:
•A paste of coriander leaves, water, and turmeric powder is also among good homemade face scrubs to treat whiteheads.
Soruce: Google
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The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
This trapped oil swells and turns into a white pustule and is known as a whitehead. They usually are of white or yellowish color, as they are not exposed to oxygen like blackheads are. They generally occur on nose, cheekbone & chin and affect both women and men during teen years and beyond.
A word of caution is not to pop your whiteheads with your hands, as that will aggravate your problem, causing pimples, infection and even scarring.
People with overactive sebaceous glands and excess sebum production are more prone to develop whiteheads. This usually happens due to hormonal changes or genetic factors
• Try to avoid too much of makeup, where ever you can. Makeup tends to clog your pores, which is the main cause of whiteheads and acne.
• Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day, to flush out toxins and detoxify your system and skin. This will keep you hydrated and less susceptible to pimples and other types of acne.
• Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Include those that are rich in vitamin A and E in your diet (including green leafy vegetables) to keep your system and skin healthy.
• Frequently change your bed sheets and pillows. This will help you in keeping your pillow cover bacteria free which otherwise aggravate skin problems, including whiteheads.
• Keep your hair clean. The natural oil from your hair runs down on your face which is the main cause of pimples / whiteheads around the hair line. Clean hair leads to less likelihood of whiteheads on your face.
• In case whiteheads and acne problem persist or is acute, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist to get rid of whiteheads.
Sugar Scrub
A homemade sugar scrub can work wonders for your skin. It will help exfoliate your skin to remove excess oil and debris trapped in the pores without causing dryness.
• Mix together one tablespoon each of sugar and honey.
• Apply it on your face and gently massage in circular motions.
• Leave it on for a few minutes.
• Wipe it off using a wet washcloth and then wash your face.
• Do this once or twice a week on a regular basis.
Lemon Juice
Being rich in alpha hydroxy acids, lemon juice helps exfoliate the skin and also facilitates cell regeneration. It also helps get rid of excess oil due to its astringent properties.
• Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply the juice on your face.
• Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash your face with cold water.
• Do this daily before going to bed. Continue for at least a few months.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar works like an astringent and thus removes excess oil from the skin. Plus, it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help fight acne.
• Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Apply this solution on your face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
• Another option is to mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts cornstarch. Spread it on your face. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before scrubbing it off. Clean your face with a washcloth soaked in warm water. Follow with a cold water rinse to close the pores.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil can be used as a natural astringent to reduce oiliness and get rid of whiteheads. Due to its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil will also fight acne.
• Dip a cotton swab in water and put three or four drops of tea tree oil on it.
• Dab it on the affected area.
• Leave it on at least for 30 minutes.
• Wash it off with cool water.
• Do this twice daily until you see improvement.
Cinnamon-Oat Flour
Cinnamon is excellent for improving the quality of your skin. When used as a scrub, it helps reduce blackheads and whiteheads. It also promotes the production of collagen, thereby facilitating skin regeneration. Plus, cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that fight acne.
• Mix together one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and oat flour with sufficient warm water to make a thick paste. Spread it on your face and scrub for a few minutes. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
• Alternatively, you can apply a paste of one teaspoon each of honey and aloe vera gel and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
Use either of these remedies two or three times a week until you are satisfied with the results
Note: Before using cinnamon on your skin, perform a patch test to make sure you are not allergic to it.
Gram Flour (Besan)
Gram flour is an excellent ingredient for deep cleansing and exfoliating your skin to remove dead skin and absorb excess oil. It will also help get rid of unwanted facial hair.
• Mix two tablespoons of gram flour in sufficient yogurt to make a thick paste.
• Optionally, stir in one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of turmeric powder.
• Spread it on your face and leave it on until it dries completely.
• Scrub it off and then wash your face.
• Repeat two or three times a week on a regular basis.
Strawberries are another useful home remedy for whiteheads. Their mildly abrasive texture exfoliates the skin, thereby removing trapped dirt, dead skin cells and oil clogging the pores.
They also contain salicylic acid, a common ingredient used in anti-acne treatments to help unblock pores. Plus, the ellagic acid present in this fruit protects the skin from sun damage caused by ultraviolet rays.
• Mash two or three strawberries to make a paste.
• Mix in one tablespoon of honey.
• Spread it on your face and gently massage in circular motions for a few minutes.
• Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off.
• Repeat once or twice a week for a few months.
For best results, use the exfoliating masks and scrubs after facial steaming.
• Simply applying rosewater with a cotton swab on the affected region will cause the infection to heal in some time.
• If you are particular about the smell aspect of the face mask, this can be the best solution to try at home.
• In fact, a few drops of rosewater can be added to any face mask you prepare for imparting a pleasant smell.
Milk and vinegar
• A mix of milk, common salt, and table spoon can also act wonders for your skin.
• For staunch acnes, you can try Apple cider Vinegar.
• After you apply the vinegar, let it dry for some time.
• Do not rinse immediately!
Coriander leaves:
•A paste of coriander leaves, water, and turmeric powder is also among good homemade face scrubs to treat whiteheads.
Soruce: Google
Related Posts:
Acne Face Map
Face Mask to Remove Blackhead
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Face Mask to Remove Blackhead
Blackheads, open pores clogged with dead skin and oil are most common in teens and pre-menstrual women. These irritating blemishes occur most often on and around the nose putting them dead center in the middle of the face where they are most noticeable.
So of course, we want to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
Blackheads are normally caused by the overproduction of oil.
Homemade facial masks are one of the best natural treatment methods to get rid of blackheads, large pores, and oily skin on face naturally and fast. These facial masks also help firm your skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and improve your skin texture. Give your skin a regular home facial with a face mask to absorb excess oil and deep clean the skin.
Get Rid of Blackheads With Baking Soda
If you are prone to blackheads, a baking soda mask is one of the best masks for blackhead removal. Baking soda remedy is also an effective way to get rid of oily skin, acne, and large pores.
Baking soda
Make a thick paste of baking soda and water.
Rinse your face thoroughly with warm water.
Apply the paste on your wet face with the fingers.
Move the paste over small areas of skin in a circular pattern, concentrating on the areas where you get most blackheads - the forehead, the nose, the chin, etc.
Rinse well with warm water to remove the pack from the face.
Baking soda clears the skin from impurities such as debris and dirt from the skin.
Apply this facial mask 2 to 3 times a week to get rid of blackheads, oily skin, large pores, and acne pimples from your face.
Get Rid of Blackheads With Oatmeal-Yogurt-Olive Oil-Lemon juice
Oatmeal and yogurt face mask is best for removing blackheads and oiliness from your face. This natural facial mask will rejuvenate your skin, cleaning your pores deeply. The lactic acid in yogurt will close large pores, giving your facial skin a younger appearance.
Olive Oil
Lemon juice
To make this DIY homemade blackhead removal remedy you will need oatmeal, yogurt, olive oil, and lemon juice.
In a food processor grind 3 tablespoons of oatmeal until very fine.
Next, add 2 tablespoons of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to the ground oatmeal.
Clean your face using a mild soap or mild face wash.
Also, use warm water while washing your face for opening your clogged pores.
Rub the oatmeal pack over your facial skin and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
Wash it off with lukewarm water.
After cleansing, use cool water as a final rinse to close your open pores.
While this DIY face mask is especially for treating the blackhead-prone areas, your entire face can benefit from this natural remedy.
Get Rid of Blackheads With Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice
You can apply lemon juice for effectively getting rid of blackheads and oily skin.
Applying lemon juice on face will help sloughs off pore-clogging impurities and encourages new skin cell growth.
Use lemon juice and rub it on the face a few times a day to shrink large pores and pull out the blackheads.
You can also soak 5 cotton pads in the freshly squeezed lemon juice, and place them on your T-zone (1 on your forehead, 1 on your nose and the other 2 pads on your chin) for 15 minutes.
This natural remedy will help get rid of blackheads, oily skin, and large pores on face effectively.
Get Rid of Blackheads With Egg White
Egg White
The best natural way to remove blackheads and get rid of large pores and oily face is using egg white masks.
Beat the whites slowly until they're foamy. Now gently apply it to your face and leave it for next 20 minutes.
Then use a warm wet cloth and gently remove the egg whites off your face.
Egg white face mask will tighten and shrink the facial pores as they dry, safely forcing the blackheads out.
This is one of the most popular facial masks for blackhead removal, which only takes a few minutes to make.
Get Rid of Blackheads With Papaya
You can use ripe papaya for getting rid of blackheads. Papaya contains proteolytic and bactericidal properties, which are best for preventing and removing acne, pimples, and blackheads on nose.
Mash ripe papaya into a smooth puree.
Mix it with 1/4 teaspoon of gram flour and apply on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
Wash it off with cold water later, so your pores are closed.
Papaya face mask helps in exfoliating and toning the skin, which removes dirt and grime off your blackhead while reducing large pores and tightening skin on face.
Get Rid of Blackheads With Coriander Leaves-Turmeric Powder
Coriander Leaves
Turmeric Powder
You can reduce and minimize large pores with homemade facial cleansing and pore shrinking recipes. A face mask of coriander leaves and turmeric powder make a good home remedy to remove blackheads that also help to shrink large pores.
Combine some coriander leaves and a little turmeric powder with water and form a paste.
Put this natural facial mask over the face, concentrating on nose, chin, and forehead.
Wash it off the next morning with cold water to get rid of blackheads fast.
Get Rid of Blackheads With Cinnamon-honey
Cinnamon is an anti-bacterial spice that can be used to make an aromatic face mask for removal of blackheads.
Mix one part organic cinnamon with two parts honey to form a paste.
Apply a thin layer over blackheads.
Leave on for at least fifteen minutes.
Wash off with your favorite all-natural cleanser, then follow up with a moisturizer.
Use this remedy daily for best results.
Soruce: Google
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Acne Face Map
Acne represents health problems on different parts of your body.
According to PubMed
Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples or “zits.” This includes whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflammed patches of skin (such as cysts).
Traditional Chinese medicine called the face the window to your health. Forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, nose, chin – all these zones indicate what is happening inside of the body.
This is called face mapping.
In Chinese Medicine, it’s believed that acne that flares up on different parts of your face represents health problems on different parts of your body. Kind of like, this part of your face corresponds to this organ. To know what conditions you’re suffering from, just look at where your acne is.
Your skin often reflects your internal health, so by analyzing where you get pimples and "mapping" where acne pops up on your face, you can understand what's causing your acne and prevent the zits from forming!
Please note: The acne causes listed for each facial region are general guidelines and may not apply to everyone. For instance, just because you break out on your forehead, doesn't automatically mean there's something wrong with your liver.
While Chinese medicine practitioners and reflexologists believe that certain zones of your face represent certain internal areas of your body, face mapping for acne is not an exact science. While internal problems can be one of the main reasons for acne, especially if you get cystic pimples, there are several other factors that can be responsible for breakouts. These range from skin care products, hygiene, hormones, allergies, genetics, etc. However, understanding what it means when you get pimples on certain facial zones is a good place to get ideas about how to clear your skin.
In case you are wondering what you can do or what changes you can make to improve your skin based on the above acne map, here are some suggested treatments for the breakouts occurring on each facial region:
Face acne is described in these general areas:
Temples ,Eyebrows
Lip area
Chin and Jaw
Mouth and jaw
Body acne is generally described as occurring in these areas:
Butt, Groin and between the Legs
Thighs and Legs
Upper Forehead
Affects: Digestive System and Bladder
Digestive problems (hard time breaking down certain foods)
Small intestine issue
Liver issues
Irregular sleep schedule
Bad tempers
Too much worrying
Too much sugary foods
Toxin build-up; Hair products
Wearing dirty caps/hats
Be sure to drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and keep an eye on your diet by eliminating foods with high fats and sugars, as well as eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Some of the best antioxidant rich foods or drinks include green tea, lemon water and berries.
Go to bed early (10pm) and wake up early (6am). Even if you can't fall asleep, it's good to relax so your liver can rest and be ready for work the next day
Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins
Drink less soda and carbonated beverages
20-30 minutes of light exercise every day, especially outdoors
Practice relaxation techniques to worry less
Get enough sleep with a regular sleep schedule
Eat healthy foods, chewing thoroughly to improve your digestion
Reduce refined sugar in your diet
Keep a daily food diary to see if your acne is related to certain food groups (like dairy)
Practice better hygiene (i.e. washing bangs and hair, cleaning hats)
Check if shampoos, conditioners, and hair products are irritating skin
Lower Forehead
Affects: Heart
Your heart is a massive organ that pumps blood all over your body. If it’s stressed out due to poor diet, inactivity and various mental and physical stresses, then not only are you likely to get pimples on your lower forehead, your entire body will be doomed if you don’t fix the problems.
Having a healthy heart means to do regular exercises to strengthen the heart, as well as eat a healthy diet, and keeping stresses low.
Affects: Spleen,Gland and Tonsils,Liver and Kidneys
Poor lymphatic circulation; Diet too high in fat; Gallbladder issues; Too much processed food
Drink very clean water
Cut the caffeine
Sugary drinks and alcohol
Check if you are dehydrated.
Eat less processed food, junk food, and fast food
Reduce the amount of unhealthy fat in your diet (healthy fats from avocado and fish are okay)
Eat cooling foods like bitter melon, cucumbers, and gourds
Practice better hygiene, especially during the summer and if you wear makeup and/or sweat a lot
Affects: Kidneys
When kidneys are not taken care of, you’ll find these large, painful pimples on your ears that refuses to leave no matter what. Kidney troubles are often caused by not drinking enough water and taking in too much salt and caffeine
so be sure to drink plenty of water in a day, cut down on the salt and caffeine and cleanse your kidneys with diuretics such as parsley and water.
Eyes, orbital area and between the Eyebrows
Affects: : Liver
Oiliness, redness, flakiness and pimples between the eyebrows can indicate that your liver may have been overworking and need a cleansing.Weak heart.Too much alcohol.Too much tobacco poor circulation
Cut back on fatty
Sugary, greasy and rich foods
Alcohol and diary
Particularly if you’re lactose intolerant. Avoid eating late at night as well.
Your liver will spend an extra amount of effort processing saturated fats, so try not to go over with them.
Some of the best foods to cleanse your liver include garlic, grapefruit, green tea, carrots, beets, leafy green vegetables, lemons and limes.
Exercises like yoga, brisk walking and meditation.
Exercise, but avoid strenuous exercise
Get more sleep
Avoid alcohol
Avoid smoking
Indoors, polluted air, gas, bloated stomach, poor circulation. High blood pressure can also cause many problems in this area of the face.
Check your blood pressure
Follow the cholesterol level
Organic green tea can help you get rid of toxins.
Exercise is mandatory.
Eat less pungent foods (spices, garlic, etc)
Eat less meat
Eat less salt
Eat warm temperature foods (not too cold or hot)
Get more fresh air
Exercise everyday (like going for a walk)
Massage the area around your nose for better circulation
Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B
Tip of the nose
Causes: Weak digestive system
What goes on, on your nose, is linked to your heart.
Eat less cold food. Cold foods causes gastic acid secretion.
Eat less pungent foods (spices, garlic, etc).
Eat less meat.
Massage the area around your nose.
Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B
Nose Wings
Sudden appearance of big, swollen pimples here may be associated with changes in reproduction system or the ovaries.
Pimples on nose also indicate the problems of the cardiovascular system.
The heart may lack vitamin B and protein.
You have a very passive way of life, are constantly worried, and move very little.
Your skin suffers from lack of nutrients and poor blood circulation.
Eat less pungent foods (spices, garlic, etc)
Eat less meat
Eat warm temperature foods (not too cold or hot)
Get more fresh air
Exercise everyday (like going for a walk)
Massage the area around your nose
Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B
Add more green vegetables and fruits, fish, various cereals to your diet. Do morning exercises or work out at least one hour a day.
Upper Cheeks
Affects: Lungs and Respiratory System
Stresses to the lungs is likely to cause flare ups in the upper cheeks and even break your capillaries. These stresses include smoking, asthma, allergies, lung infections and living in a polluted area.
The best thing to do is to avoid smoking as much as you possibly can, especially through passive smoking, which could be even worse than actually smoking.
Start physical activities
Lower Cheeks
Affects: Gum or Teeth Problems
Gum or teeth problems may contribute to acne in the lower cheeks area.
Be sure to avoid eating artificial sugar or softdrinks.
Keep your teeth in great condition by exercising them regularly through biting down on them.
Be sure to floss and brush your teeth each day without brushing them so hard that it breaks your enamels.
Lip Area
Affects: digestive system
Pimple on lip or shoulders means problems with digestive system. Have you noticed indigestion, intestinal colic or constipation? You are very sensitive and vulnerable, too worried about everyone and everything.
Include more food containing fiber in your diet.
Have a cup of green tea after each meal.
Eat more fiber
Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet
Eat less spicy and fried foods
Massage abdominal area in a clockwise motion
Change your toothpaste and/or chapstick
Right Cheek Acne
Avoid fast food and junk food
Avoid mango, taro root, wine, and seafood or other foods you may be sensitive to
Eat less sugar
Get more fresh air
The lung is strongest at 7-9 AM. This is the best time for aerobic exercise
Practice proper hygiene, especially if you live in a polluted city
Check laundry detergent for any irritating ingredients
Change pillow cases frequently if you sleep on this side of your face
Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol
Lower left cheek acne could represent poor dental health, so keep your gums and teeth healthy by flossing and brushing regularly
Left Cheek Acne
Maintain a normal daily routine
Try to keep a positive mood
Eat more cooling foods such as gourds, winter melons, and green beans
Don't overeat, especially junk food
Try to decompress and relax
The liver is the strongest from 1-3 AM. This is when you should be sleeping
The liver is weakest at 1-5 PM, so schedule difficult work for the morning
If you have to work in the afternoon, rest your eyes for 5 minutes every hour
Practice proper hygiene, especially if you live in a polluted city
Check laundry detergent for any irritating ingredients
Change pillow cases frequently if you sleep on this side of your face
Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol
Lower left cheek acne could represent poor dental health, so keep your gums and teeth healthy by flossing and brushing regularly
Sides of the Chin
Affects: Hormones and Genitals
This may affect a lot of girls. When sides of the chin often flare up, it’s a sign of hormonal imbalance, often caused by menstruation. Sometimes, even emotional or physical stress can cause hormonal imbalances.
Too salty food, spices and not enough water.
Sometimes excessive caffeine.
Be sure to de-stress yourself and get plenty of sleep.
Cut down on all the bad foods and focus on a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
Be sure to take lots of essential fatty acids such as Omega 3.
There are also herbs that can help balance hormones such as licorice, schisandra, holy basil, maca, burdock, red raspberry leaves, rhodiola and milk thisle.
Green tea is also a brilliant anti-androgen.
Reduce salt, spices, and caffeine.
But, to drink more water
Centre of the Chin
Affects: Small intestines and stomach
This is also caused by poor diets and food allergies.
Be sure to eliminate those bad foods (because every part of the body hates it, not just your intestines).
Also, be sure to include plenty of fibre in your diet.
Mouth and jaw:
Affects: Stomach
Foods that contain a lot of fat, sugar and stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol. This place is most affected by the use of these foods. Staying up late, and stress can cause imbalance.
Start a diet that can help to bring balance. Eat lots of fruits. If problems continue to visit a doctor.
Affects:hormonal imbalance ,Ovary Syndrome
Poor lymphatic drainage. When your lymphatic system’s drainage becomes blocked, you cannot eliminate toxic material. Can also indicate hormonal imbalance in the sexual life. You might be nervous, sleep very little, drink much coffee or alcohol. Sometimes it might be a signal of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), so be sure to consult a doctor.
Reduce the habit of eating before bed
Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables
Get more rest
Get your hormones checked
Get 20 minutes of exercise each day
Sleep early and wake up early
Massage your body for relaxation
Practice proper hygiene
Chest and Neck
Chest areas are usually caused by stress, so be sure to figure out what’s stressing you out and try to eliminate that stress.
It’s also important to be comfortable in your outfits.
When areas around the neck flare up, it’s often caused by your body fighting off infections.
Be sure to support your body by resting, eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water.
Reduce salt, spices, and caffeine.
Pimples on the hairline’, or scalp acne, or scalp folliculitis.
Usually caused by improper and incomplete removal of makeup, infrequent hair and scalp cleanliness or use of hair-care products that block pores.
Wash your face and hairline twice a day.
Keeping your skin clean with soap and water can minimize oil production from your pores.
Make sure you remove all traces of makeup before you sleep.
Exfoliate once a week
Shampoo your hair every day.
If this dries out your hair too much, you can use a conditioner to add moisture.
You can also use a medicated shampoo containing salicylic acid.
Shampoo with salicylic acid is typically used to treat dandruff; however, salicylic acid is a topical acne medication that slows dead skin cells from shedding and clogging pores.
It is also important to keep in mind that the above remedies are just suggestions that may or may not apply to everyone. Since everyone's skin is so unique and different, what works for one person won't necessarily work for another.
Ultimately, it is up to you to do proper research before using or doing anything to your skin.
Acne can be as much internal as it is external and while lifestyle changes may not make acne go away completely, healthy habits will provide long-term benefits both to your skin and your health.
Hopefully the above acne map will help you figure out what it means when you break out at certain parts of you face. Once you get a better idea of why you are getting pimples, you can use more effective treatments to prevent your acne.
Source: Google
Related Posts:
Face Mask to Remove Blackhead
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Homemade Hot Pepper Cream for Arthritis & Joint Pain
The active component in hot peppers that gives them their heat is called capsaicin, and the hotter the pepper, the higher the level of capsaicin there is. While rubbing something that seems flaming hot onto your sore joints doesn’t initially seem like it would help arthritis, capsaicin cream is commonly sold OTC as a pain reliever. Why? Capsaicin depletes a neurotransmitter called substance P, which is responsible for sending pain signals to our brain. If we block the big P, we never get the memo that something is hurting, and therefore end up pain free. Instead of paying for the arthritis cream at the store, try making your own. It offers great peace of mind to know what exactly you are absorbing into your skin, and it’s rewarding to make yourself.
Note: It is normal for there to be somewhat of a burning sensation when first applied.
If you have sensitive skin, use with caution.
Always wear gloves when handling hot pepper powder, and avoid any contact with your eyes.
If you wanted to look extra awesome when you make this, a pair of goggles isn’t a bad idea.
1. Original Capsaicin Cream Recipe
You will need…
-3 tablespoons of cayenne powder
-1 cup of grapeseed oil (or any other oil like almond, olive, jojoba)
-1/2 cup of grated beeswax
-A double boiler
-A glass jar with a tightly fitting lid
Mix together 3 tablespoons of cayenne powder with 1 cup of your oil of choice and heat in a double boiler for 5-10 minutes over medium heat.
Stir in a 1/2 cup of grated beeswax and continue to stir until it has melted completely and everything is blended together.
Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, and then whisk together.
Chill for another 10-15 and then whip again before putting it in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid and storing in the refrigerator.
It will keep for 1 ½ weeks-apply daily as needed for pain.
2. Super-Strength Cream
The hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it has, making this cream super strength.
You will need…
-1 cup of beeswax
-4 tablespoons of Habanero powder
-4 cups of grapeseed or another oil, such as almond, jojoba, or olive
-A double boiler
-A glass jar with a tightly fitting lid
Combine 4 tablespoons of Habanero powder with 4 cups of grapeseed or olive oil in a double boiler. Let this mixture warm up over medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
After it’s warmed, melt 1 cup of beeswax into the mixture and stir it until everything is smoothly blended together.
Let it chill for 10 minutes in the refrigerator and then whisk together.
Chill for another 10-15 minutes and then whip together once more before pouring into a glass container with a tightly fitting lid and refrigerating it.
It should keep its potency for 1 1/2 weeks. Apply as needed for pain, stopping use if any irritation occurs.
3. Little Bit Extra Cream
This cream includes the other notable anti-inflammatory’s and pain reducers turmeric and ginger, as well as cayenne.
You will need…
-3 cups of grapeseed oil, or any other oil like almond, jojoba, or olive
-3 tablespoons of ground cayenne
-1/2 cup of beeswax
-3 tablespoons of turmeric
-2 tablespoons of ground ginger
-A double boiler
Mix together 3 tablespoons of ground cayenne, 3 tablespoons of turmeric, and 2 tablespoons of ground ginger.
Add this to 3 cups of grapeseed oil in a double boiler and stir until mixed thoroughly.
Warm over medium heat for 5-10 minutes and then add in 1/2 cup of beeswax.
Stir until the beeswax has melted completely and everything is blended together, and then remove from heat and chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes take it out and whisk it together and then refrigerate for another 10, blending it once more at the end.
Put in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid in the refrigerator, where it will keep for 1 ½ weeks.
Apply as needed for pain, but with this cream, rub in as much as you can and then let it dry before rinsing off. The turmeric will really stain.
4. Capsaicin Cream Recipe
you will need:
cayenne powder – 3 tablespoons
grape seed oil – 1 cup (you can also use some other oil like olive, almond, jojoba)
grated beeswax – ½ cup
A double boiler
A small jar that can be closed tightly
In a double boiler mix the cayenne pepper and the oil you preferred.
Cook them over medium heat for 10 minutes.
Add the grated beeswax. Stir until you get one smooth mass.
Put the mixture in the fridge for 10 minutes to chill.
Then whisk together and put it back in the fridge for another 10-15 minutes.
Whip again, place the cream in a small jar and close it tightly.
Store it in the refrigerator. You can apply this cream for 1 ½ weeks every day for joints pain.
Important note on use!
If you don’t want the little bits of spices in there, follow the steps below to get a smooth infused oil to use in the cream
(this makes it easier to get absorbed.)
Mix together your oil and spices for whichever recipe you choose to do.
Heat over medium heat in a double boiler for 15 minutes, and then remove it to cool and infuse for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, strain through a cheesecloth and reserve the infused oil.
After it is strained melt the beeswax in a double boiler, and pour in the infused oil.
Stir until blended thoroughly, and then follow the same steps for chilling, whipping, and storing as above.
Warning: These spices stain. Wear an apron or clothes you don’t mind putting at risk when making these.
Related Posts:
Homemade Oil For Arthritis- Rheumatoid Arthritis-Joint Pain
Cervical Spondylosis (Arthritis of the Neck) Homoeopathic Treatment
Home Remedy Using Cinnamon ( Dalcheni )
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Note: It is normal for there to be somewhat of a burning sensation when first applied.
If you have sensitive skin, use with caution.
Always wear gloves when handling hot pepper powder, and avoid any contact with your eyes.
If you wanted to look extra awesome when you make this, a pair of goggles isn’t a bad idea.
1. Original Capsaicin Cream Recipe
You will need…
-3 tablespoons of cayenne powder
-1 cup of grapeseed oil (or any other oil like almond, olive, jojoba)
-1/2 cup of grated beeswax
-A double boiler
-A glass jar with a tightly fitting lid
Mix together 3 tablespoons of cayenne powder with 1 cup of your oil of choice and heat in a double boiler for 5-10 minutes over medium heat.
Stir in a 1/2 cup of grated beeswax and continue to stir until it has melted completely and everything is blended together.
Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, and then whisk together.
Chill for another 10-15 and then whip again before putting it in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid and storing in the refrigerator.
It will keep for 1 ½ weeks-apply daily as needed for pain.
2. Super-Strength Cream
The hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it has, making this cream super strength.
You will need…
-1 cup of beeswax
-4 tablespoons of Habanero powder
-4 cups of grapeseed or another oil, such as almond, jojoba, or olive
-A double boiler
-A glass jar with a tightly fitting lid
Combine 4 tablespoons of Habanero powder with 4 cups of grapeseed or olive oil in a double boiler. Let this mixture warm up over medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
After it’s warmed, melt 1 cup of beeswax into the mixture and stir it until everything is smoothly blended together.
Let it chill for 10 minutes in the refrigerator and then whisk together.
Chill for another 10-15 minutes and then whip together once more before pouring into a glass container with a tightly fitting lid and refrigerating it.
It should keep its potency for 1 1/2 weeks. Apply as needed for pain, stopping use if any irritation occurs.
3. Little Bit Extra Cream
This cream includes the other notable anti-inflammatory’s and pain reducers turmeric and ginger, as well as cayenne.
You will need…
-3 cups of grapeseed oil, or any other oil like almond, jojoba, or olive
-3 tablespoons of ground cayenne
-1/2 cup of beeswax
-3 tablespoons of turmeric
-2 tablespoons of ground ginger
-A double boiler
Mix together 3 tablespoons of ground cayenne, 3 tablespoons of turmeric, and 2 tablespoons of ground ginger.
Add this to 3 cups of grapeseed oil in a double boiler and stir until mixed thoroughly.
Warm over medium heat for 5-10 minutes and then add in 1/2 cup of beeswax.
Stir until the beeswax has melted completely and everything is blended together, and then remove from heat and chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes take it out and whisk it together and then refrigerate for another 10, blending it once more at the end.
Put in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid in the refrigerator, where it will keep for 1 ½ weeks.
Apply as needed for pain, but with this cream, rub in as much as you can and then let it dry before rinsing off. The turmeric will really stain.
4. Capsaicin Cream Recipe
you will need:
cayenne powder – 3 tablespoons
grape seed oil – 1 cup (you can also use some other oil like olive, almond, jojoba)
grated beeswax – ½ cup
A double boiler
A small jar that can be closed tightly
In a double boiler mix the cayenne pepper and the oil you preferred.
Cook them over medium heat for 10 minutes.
Add the grated beeswax. Stir until you get one smooth mass.
Put the mixture in the fridge for 10 minutes to chill.
Then whisk together and put it back in the fridge for another 10-15 minutes.
Whip again, place the cream in a small jar and close it tightly.
Store it in the refrigerator. You can apply this cream for 1 ½ weeks every day for joints pain.
Important note on use!
If you don’t want the little bits of spices in there, follow the steps below to get a smooth infused oil to use in the cream
(this makes it easier to get absorbed.)
Mix together your oil and spices for whichever recipe you choose to do.
Heat over medium heat in a double boiler for 15 minutes, and then remove it to cool and infuse for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, strain through a cheesecloth and reserve the infused oil.
After it is strained melt the beeswax in a double boiler, and pour in the infused oil.
Stir until blended thoroughly, and then follow the same steps for chilling, whipping, and storing as above.
Warning: These spices stain. Wear an apron or clothes you don’t mind putting at risk when making these.
Related Posts:
Homemade Oil For Arthritis- Rheumatoid Arthritis-Joint Pain
Cervical Spondylosis (Arthritis of the Neck) Homoeopathic Treatment
Home Remedy Using Cinnamon ( Dalcheni )
The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Homemade Oil For Arthritis- Rheumatoid Arthritis-Joint Pain
Arthritis is very common but is not well understood. Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, sexes and races can and do have arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in America. More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older.
Common arthritis joint symptoms include:
swelling, pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Symptoms may come and go.
They can be mild, moderate or severe.
They may stay about the same for years, but may progress or get worse over time.
Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and make it difficult to walk or climb stairs.
Arthritis can cause permanent joint changes.
These changes may be visible, such as knobby finger joints, but often the damage can only be seen on X-ray.
Some types of arthritis also affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin as well as the joints.
Joint Pain
Any damage to the joints from disease or injury can interfere with your movement and cause a lot of pain. Many different conditions can lead to painful joints, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout, strains, sprains, and other injuriesor tendons surrounding a joint Joint pain is extremely common.
It can occur in any part of the body but is most common in the knees, shoulders and hips. The pain can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by swelling and stiffness in one or more joints.
Severe joint pain, especially when caused by degenerative conditions like arthritis, needs proper diagnosis and treatment.
You should also consult your doctor if your joint pain is accompanied by swelling, redness and tenderness, or lasts for more than three days. But, you can get rid of mild joint pain with the help of natural home remedies.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that typically affects the small joints in your hands and feet. Unlike the wear-and-tear damage of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of your joints, causing a painful swelling that can eventually result in bone erosion and joint deformity.
An autoimmune disorder, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body's tissues. In addition to causing joint problems, rheumatoid arthritis sometimes can affect other organs of the body — such as the skin, eyes, lungs and blood vessels.With time, it can even affect the knees, ankles, elbows, hips and shoulders. Eventually, it can result in bone erosion and joint deformity.
Although rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any age, it usually begins after age 40. The disorder is much more common in women. however, younger adults and even children can have it.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2007, there were about 1.5 million Americans suffering from this disease
Red Chilly Peppers- Olive Oil For Rheumatism And Joint Pain
.This homemade oil made from hot chilly peppers will help you to boost blood circulation and it is effective in treatment of radiculitis, myositis, neuralgia,rheumatism and joint pains. - See more at:
This oil expends capillaries, boosts metabolism, affects the activation of the regenarative process of the skin and increases blood circulation to the surface areas of the skin.
10 fresh red chilly peppers
2 cups olive oil
one jar of a liter
First wash the peppers the cut the stems and mice the peppers in a will get for about one cup of finely chopped need to put this mixture in the jar and drizzle with oil.
Let stand in a dark place.After 7 days you should strain the contents of the jar through cheesecloth.
Minced peppers you can use as a spice, and the oil you can use for a body massage as a treatment for joint pain and rheumatism.
You need to rub this oil several times a day on the body skin where you feel pain.
After rubbing you need to wear warm socks if your pain is in your feet.
Heating the other parts of the body depending of the painful place:arms neck and back.
After the first application you will feel warming and tingling sensation of the skin, but it is bearable and it does not cause burns.
You will feel better after the first application, but for best results first you should use it several times a day and then after a month or two the procedure can be performed once a week only if you fell pain i you joints due the changing weather conditions.
Ginger oil Massage
Ginger oil, when applied on the affected area on a regular basis, can reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness.
Lubricate With Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The very consistency of olive oil makes it seem like something that would lubricate your joints and ease arthritis pain, and it turns out, it actually does. A main compound in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) called oleocanthal inhibits inflammatory enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, just like Advil or aspirin does. The study showed that 1 ½ tablespoons is equal to 200-mg of ibuprofen.
However, not every oil is created equal. Heat destroys oleocanthal, so it is necessary to use extra virgin olive oil or “cold-pressed.”
The ripeness of the olives at the time they were pressed also determines the level of oleocanthal-generally the stronger tasting the oil, the higher the level there is present. It can be taken internally to reap the benefits, but being high in calories consider replacing any fats, such as butter, with it in cooking instead.
You will need…
-2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Rub a bit of olive oil onto your sore joints twice a day, massaging in to each one gently. You can also take 2-3 tablespoons daily, but be sure to give up some other form of fat due to the high calorie count in the oil (rest easy, these are good calories.)
Olive oil for Arthritis in Hands
Olive oil can be used as a massage oil for your hands and fingers. Add a few drops of lavender oil to two to four tablespoons of warm olive oil and massage the affected area with gentle strokes to alleviate discomfort and inflammation.
You can also use olive oil for cooking food to help reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.
Use extra virgin olive oil for salads, pastas, marinades, sauces or as a dip for your breads.
Precaution: While 50 ml or 3- ½ tbsp of olive oil may work like a 200 mg ibuprofen tablet, it may also transfer more than 400 calories to your body. So, it’s advisable to replace other fats with olive oil rather than to add it to your daily consumption of other oils and butter. You sure doesn’t want to gain weight while reducing your joint pains!
Mustard Oil Massage
According to Ayurveda, a gentle massage of the painful knee with warm mustard oil eases inflammation, improves blood circulation in the region and relieves pain.
Heat two tablespoons of mustard oil.
Fry one garlic clove (chopped) in it until it turns brown.
Cool and strain the oil.
Massage your aching knee with the lukewarm oil in circular motions.
Cover the knee with plastic wrap and use warm towels to apply heat for a few minutes.
Do this twice daily for about one or two weeks.
Mustard Oil- Camphor Massage for Arthritis
Massaging aching and swollen joints with herbal oils is one of the ancient ways to manage arthritis. Here is a recipe for such oil.
You will need:
Mustard oil- 1 cup
Camphor- 10 g
Take mustard oil in a pan.
Add camphor to this oil.
Heat the oil till the camphor gets completely dissolved.
Let it cool down a little till it gets lukewarm.
Massage your joints gently with this lukewarm oil.
Eucalyptus Oil Massage
Eucalyptus oil has analgesic, or pain-relieving properties that help get rid of knee pain. The cooling sensation of this oil can even ease knee pain from arthritis.
A study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal indicates that even inhaling this essential oil may help reduce pain and inflammation after total knee replacement.
Blend together five to seven drops each of eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil. Then, mix in two tablespoons of olive oil.
Store the mixture in a dark glass bottle, away from direct sunlight.
Rub this mixture onto your knees whenever they ache.
Make sure to massage gently so that the oil penetrates deep into the skin.
Eucalyptus-Jojoba Oil Blend for Joint Pain Relief
While eucalyptus oil is the one which reduces joint pains, jojoba oil is used as a carrier oil. But why jojoba? Because it is absorbed completely by your skin and thus you can apply this oil blend whenever you want, even when you go out. Now about the main ingredient, eucalyptus oil.
This oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help you get rid of muscle and joint pains. It also reduces stiffness which comes with arthritis or due to wear and tear of muscles. If your joint aches due to muscle sprains, you can apply this home remedy with eucalyptus oil.
Jojoba oil- ½ cup
Eucalyptus oil- 10 drops
Storage bottle
Pour jojoba oil into the storage bottle. You can even use a spray bottle for ease of usage.
Now add eucalyptus oil to it.
Close the bottle.
Every time when you apply this oil on your joints, shake the bottle well so that both the oils get blended each time.
Coconut Oil to Reduce Joint Pains
Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can excellently reduce joint pains even those due to arthritis. This oil has beneficial fatty acids that can reduce swelling and pain and can also lubricate your muscles and joints at the same time. Applied topically, coconut oil can increase blood supply to your joints to reduce pain and inflammation.
Coconut oil- ½ cup
Heat the coconut oil till it gets lukewarm.
Massage your joints gently with this warm coconut oil.
Repeat this 2-3 times a day.
Garlic Oil Massage
Garlic rich in sulfur and selenium, garlic is beneficial for those suffering from arthritis and joint pain. Sulfur helps relieve joint pain and inflammation and, according to research, selenium may have an antirheumatic effect. Also, arthritic patients tend to have low levels of selenium in the blood.
Include raw or cooked garlic in your diet. You can safely consume two or three garlic cloves daily. If you are deterred by the smell or taste of garlic, consider taking garlic supplements (follow the directions on the label).
You can also fry two garlic cloves in two tablespoons of mustard or sesame oil. When the garlic cloves turn black, turn off the heat and strain the oil. Allow the oil to cool until it is comfortably warm, and then massage it into the skin around affected area. Leave it on for about three hours before washing it off. Do this twice daily until you see improvement.
Cinnamon Honey Paste Massage
Cinnamon can be used to relieve arthritis pain due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties Cinnamon and antioxidant help reduce swelling, redness and stiffness in the affected joints.
In a 2012 study published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal, researchers found that cinnamon extract could significantly reduce substances that cause inflammation and tissue damage in mice. However, more research needs to be done with humans.
Make a paste of cinnamon and honey and massage it gently on the painful area.
Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of warm water.
Drink it every morning on an empty stomach.
Note: Avoid larger doses of cinnamon as it could interfere with blood-clotting and blood-thinning medications.
Cinnamon Honey For Arthritis In Hands
The combination of honey and cinnamon powder is a good natural way to treat arthritis in hands and help relax stiff muscles due to their excellent healing properties. Also, honey has antiseptic qualities, while cinnamon has good anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Honey-Cinnamon Powder.
Mix one tablespoon of honey and one-half teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
Eat this mixture every morning on an empty stomach for several weeks or until you get encouraging results.
Borage seed oil Massage
The anti-inflammatory properties in borage seed oil can help relieve various symptoms of arthritis.
Regularly massage borage seed oil onto the affected area to help heal tender and swollen joints.
You can also drink one teaspoon of borage seed oil daily for pain relief. Borage seed oil is safe and will not cause any harm, but do not ingest borage seeds or other parts of the plant.
People suffering from any kind of arthritis will likely get relief from one or more of these remedies. It is essential for arthritis patients also to maintain physical activities to enjoy better health.
Castor Oil Massage
Castor oil has powerful medicinal and curative powers. The component known as ricinoleic acid present in castor oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help a lot to get relief from arthritis pain.
Dip a piece of clean cotton into some warm castor oil and wrap it around the painful joint.
Place a plastic sheet over the cloth and then place a piece of woolen cloth over it so the heat will remain inside.
Apply this, every night before going to bed.
Gently massage some castor oil on the affected area. Do this twice a day to reduce pain.
You can also boil two tablespoons of castor oil and then add it to a glass of fresh orange juice. Drink this juice before eating your breakfast daily, and within weeks you will notice an improvement in your condition.
Caution: Castor oil also works as a laxative so not drink too much castor oil or for too long.
To conclude, along with these home remedies, you also need to follow your doctor’s advice. Exercises and physical therapies will also surely help you have better joint movement in your fingers and hands.
Ghee or Clarified Butter
A massage with warm ghee on the affected joint can do much to alleviate the pain and swelling.
Ghee is easily absorbed by the skin and as it penetrates the lower layers of the skin it provides vital nourishment to the deteriorating cartilage and helps to increase the movement of the joint.
Massage well with warm ghee three times daily.
Camphor-Coconut oil-Olive Oil Massage
Camphor has innumerable therapeutic uses. It has been used since time unknown for dealing with inflammation and pain.
Heat some pure coconut oil or olive oil and dissolve a big piece of camphor into it.
Massage the affected joint with this oil for ten to fifteen minutes, three times daily or whenever your pain becomes aggressive.
Flaxseed Oil Massage
Flaxseed has been considered one of the super-foods of today by many due to its high contents of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as lignans. Lignans are the beneficial plant compounds just like fiber.
Flaxseed oil can ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, lubricate joints and reduce stiffness as well as joint pain. Flaxseed oil is high on alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that can be converted to EPA and DHA, the same active ingredients that are found in fish oil.
ALA is an omega-3 essential fatty acid essential for maintaining the cell structure as well as functioning of your joints. It has an important role in making anti-inflammatory substances, prostaglandins, in your blood. Not only this, flaxseed oil also has magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, protein and zinc all of which are significant in reducing pain and inflammation.
Take one teaspoon of flaxseed oil twice daily.
Take 1-3 tbsp of this oil daily.
While it will not work instantly but you will feel your joint pains reducing within 1-3 months.
It might even vanish, depending upon how your body reacts to this beneficial oil.
You need to take this oil regularly as its components maintain the functioning of your joints.
Precaution: Flaxseed may lead to stomach discomfort, rashes or breathing difficulties.
If you are taking blood thinners or cholesterol lowering medicines, consult with your doctor before you start consuming flaxseed oil.
Flaxseeds may act as blood thinner.
Avoid having it if you have hormone-sensitive breast or uterine cancer.
Aloe Vera Gel With Turmeric
Aloe vera has a host of medicinal values which can cure a wide range of diseases and disorders. This desert plant can heal wounds and relieve every kind of pain.
Remove the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and warm it in a pan.
Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix well.
Cover the joint with the gel and wrap a bandage around it.
Apply the gel two or three times daily.
Cayenne-Mustard-Ginger Infused Oil for Joint Pains
From the previous home remedy for joint pains, you now know why cayenne can be helpful in relieving these pains. Combining cayenne with mustard and ginger can give you even better results. While cayenne blocks the sensation of pain, mustard acts as an irritant and flushes the blood towards your skin surface.
This loosens up your stiff joint muscles. Ginger with its anti-inflammatory components, gingerols and zingibain, treats the swelling of your joints and also suppresses that substance which triggers pain and inflammation. Here is the recipe of a warming oil made with these three ingredients to give you relief from your joint pains.
Cayenne pepper- 1 tbsp
Mustard seeds (crushed)- 2 tbsp
Ginger root (grated)- 2 tsp
Sunflower or sesame or olive oil- 1 cup
Glass Jar with lid
Cheesecloth or sieve
Storage bottle
Place cayenne pepper, crushed mustard seeds and grated ginger in the glass jar.
Pour oil over them. Mix well.
Cover the jar with lid and let it sit for 7 days.
With the help of cheesecloth or sieve, strain the herbs infused oil.
Store in a bottle and label it.
Apply the oil on your joints and gently massage with this warm oil to get relief from pain and swelling.
Wheatgerm Oil
Wheatgerm is the edible part of wheat kernel which is removed during processing of wheat and is still valued for its rich nutritional profile. It is a powerhouse of nutrition having 23 nutrients including potassium, iron, riboflavin, calcium, zinc, magnesium, Vitamins A, E, B1 and B3. Protein content in wheatgerm is even higher than that found in most of the meat products. Oil prepared from such nutritious wheatgerm can make your entire body healthy and not only your bones, muscles, tissues and joints.
A research conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center states that omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in wheatgerm can help people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis by reducing pain as these fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties.
Take 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil.
Repeat this three times a day to get rid of stubborn joint pains.
Olive Oil For Cooking
Olive oil contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, antioxidants and oleocanthal, a compound that can lower inflammation and pain.
How much:
Two to three tablespoons per day for cooking or in salad dressings or other dishes
Best sources:
Extra virgin olive oil is less refined and processed. It retains more nutrients than standard varieties
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The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider