Money plant ( pothos ) is one of few plants which can be directly rooted in water and may be this is the reason of its popularity among naive gardeners.
Step by step guide for cutting and rooting money plant vine in the water.
1.Select a healthy looking money plant vine. The vine which you select for taking cuttings should not be having any visible damage, infection on it.
2.Make a clear, sharp cut at 45 degree angle on just above a node.
( node is the distinct visible joint on the vine from where leaves emerge)
3.The cutting should have minimum 2-3 lodes on it. However in case of money plant you can have as many leaves as you want.
4. Put the cutting in a soft drink bottle ( cut from top ) or jar filled with water. Water should be clean and clear. Avoid using dirty water as it can have harmful bacteria in it.
5.Keep the small outgrowth at nodes below the water level, these outgrowths (sometimes called nodes only) grow into roots. In 1-2 weeks roots will start developing.
6.Put the above jar or bottle on shaded place where money plant gets indirect sun light.
7. Keep changing water as soon as you find it turbid or better change it every week.
8. If you want then add few drops of liquid fertilizer to it.
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