Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Cinnamon Tea for Weight Loss

There are many spices and herbs that have been shown to control blood sugar but cinnamon has 20 times the capacity to positively impact factors associated with metabolic syndrome, insulin sensitivity, blood sugar, antioxidants, inflammation, blood pressure and body weight
Cinnamon and weight loss are connected because of cinnamon's ability to boost insulin sensitivity.
You can help to stabilize your blood sugar and lose more fat just by adding cinnamon to your tea or a glass of water every day
The daily dosage of cinnamon depends on the user, age or any medical conditions they may have. For ground cinnamon the dosage is 1-1.5g a day. If using a cinnamon supplement, do not exceed 500mg a day split in two doses to be taken after breakfast and dinner.
The NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) indicates that cinnamon is generally safe for most people in amounts of up to 6 grams of cinnamon daily for 6 weeks or less.
Precautions with cinnamon
As with any tea that is new to you, take your time in getting to know cinnamon tea, and watch for any cinnamon side effects you may be experiencing. If your nose runs, your eyes itch and water, or you break out in a rash after drinking cinnamon tea, you may have an allergy to cinnamon.
Other symptoms of a cinnamon allergy can include insomnia, shortness of breath, upset stomach, hives, or a slightly swollen throat, tongue, or lips. If you think you might have a cinnamon allergy, your healthcare professional can provide allergy testing to determine your tolerance for cinnamon. (Keep in mind that your allergy may be to one type of cinnamon - e.g. cassia, rather than Ceylon, cinnamon.)
Honey And Cinnamon For WEIGHT LOSS

2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder
4 teaspoons of honey
2 cups of boiling water (16 oz)
2 cups

2 Cups Prepartion
Mix the cinnamon and honey in a cup and make a paste. Let set for 30 minutes. Add the boiling water and stir the mixture with water. Cover the cup for half an hour. After 30 minutes filter the mixture. Wait until it cools .
Take one half of the drink (8 oz) 
16 Tbsp.before breakfast.
Take one half of the drink (8 oz)
16 Tbsp after dinner or before you go to bed The cinnamon weight loss is basically because it causes "thermogenic burns". This is all about burning the bad cholesterol in the body and increasing the good one.
2nd Recipe
Cinnamon powder – ½ tsp
Honey – 1 tsp
Boiling water – 1 cup
Combine the cinnamon and honey and make a paste.
Add boiling water, cover and leave the mixture for ½ hour.
Now, stir it well, filter and drink half the quantity on an empty stomach before breakfast.
You can refrigerate or leave the rest of the mixture at room temperature and drink it before bedtime. Do not reheat it.
There are reports of people who have used this recipe regularly and lost about 3kg in a week.
Always look for fresh cinnamon. You can normally find three types of cinnamon sold in the markets – Ceylon, Cassia and Indonesian. Each offer different benefits with Ceylon cinnamon said to help the most

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

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