Saturday, 18 October 2014

Dandruff and Homoeopathy

Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by itching and flaking of the skin on your scalp. Although dandruff isn't contagious and is rarely serious, it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat.
The good news is that dandruff usually can be controlled.
Homeopathy has many remedies that help dandruff. As always, you need to consult a homoeopath who will prescribe the right remedy.
Some of the remedies are :
Arsenic Alb: 

When the scalp is covered with white dry scales and itches.
Calcarea carb:

When there is dandruff and is painful when combing.

When the scalp is itchy and headache after a hot bath.
Home Remedies for Dandruff
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil helps eliminate dandruff due to its anti-fungal properties. It also moisturizes dry scalp and provides relief from itching.
1Take some coconut oil and mix half the amount of lemon juice in it.
2 Rub it on your scalp and massage for a few minutes.
3 Wash your hair after at least 20 minutes.
4 Follow this remedy two to three times a week.
Olive Oil
Scalp dryness can be cured with regular use of extra virgin olive oil, an effective natural moisturizer.
1 Simply heat some extra virgin olive oil until it is slightly warm. Massage it onto your scalp and then wrap your hair in a towel for half an hour.
2 Brush your hair thoroughly to remove the dry flakes and then wash your hair.
Apples to get rid of Dandruff
Apply 2 tbsp. of apple juice mix in water directly to the scalp. Apples have enzymes that eliminate dead skin cells that further causes scalp flakes. Leave this home remedy on the scalp 5 to 10 minutes before washing your hair.

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Health Benefits Of Sweet lime or Mosambi

Botanical name:Citrus lemettioides
English name:Sweet lime
Sanskrit name:Mishta nimbuka
Hindi name:Meeta nimbuka
Tamil name:Sathukudi
Urdu name :Mosambi

The juice from a sweet lime is mild and sweet. The flavor at times can be slightly tangy; the juice is sweet and not at all acidic. It tastes a lot like home-made lemonade without any sugar. If you want to ripen your sweet limes you can do this by placing them in some paper. Keep them at room temperature as it helps hasten the ripening process. You will know your fruit is ripe enough if it looks round, plump and is fragrant. The color will be slightly yellowish.
Sweet lime are also a rich source of potassium .The tangy flavor helps control nausea and vomiting. It is used to Relieve throat infections. It helps relieve constipation due to the roughage it provides. Sweet limes are rich in vitamin C hence helps by making up for the deficiency that causes scurvy. It also help prevent and cure gum diseases which are mainly caused due to the deficiency of vitamin C. Adding sweet limes to your regular fruit intake will ensure you have a healthy heart, clear vision, bright glowing skin & a healthy immune system.
This fruit is enjoyed the most either as a juice or whole after a morning jog , walk or yoga. 

A freshly squeezed glass of sweet lime has the abilty to instantly cheer you up and energize you for the day ahead.
Take the peel of mosambi and grind it well. Apply this on your face to get rid of pimples and acne. It clears your skin and makes it radiant.
Fair Skin:
Mix mosambi juice with chickpea flour to enhance your skin tone and make your skin look fairer
Make a drink by mixing mosambi juice, cumin seeds, and dry ginger powder. The drink gives instant relief in case of asthmatic cough.
Toxins are eliminated from the digestive system, and the fibers acts as roughage to regulate bowel movement and cure constipation. Mix a bit of salt to the juice to treat constipation.
The acids present in mosambi juice help in the removal of toxins from the bowel tracts, thus easing constipation. Sweet mosambi juice with a pinch of salt can provide immediate relief.
Additionally, it is effective in case of stomach upsets, dysentery, diarrhea and loose motions as it is rich in potassium. Due to its tasty flavour, it helps in avoiding vomiting and nausea. It also helps in curing bloody amoebic dysentery.

The antioxidants present in mosambi help in flushing out uric acid and free radicals from the body. Vitamin C helps in neutralizing free radicals in the body.
Mosambi is one fruit that doctors always recommend patients suffering from jaundice, a disease affecting the liver function. That’s because it gives a cooling effect that treats jaundice symptoms like fever and vomiting. Mosambi is a light food, making it easy to digest and it also boosts the liver function..
Motion Sickness
Mosambi has a tangy flavor, which is very useful for controlling motion sickness. You get relief from acidity and heartburn by drinking a glass of mosambi juice. The gastrointestinal tract is soothed, and all abdominal issues are solved.
Prevents scurvy:
We all know that deficiency of vitamin C can lead to scurvy, a disease where you suffer from swollen gums, cracked lips and flu. Mosambi, being rich in vitamin C helps prevent the condition. About 100 gm of mosambi contains 50 mg of vitamin C, which amounts for 60% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C.
Fights cancer:
Mosambi contains compounds called limonoids that are thought to fight different types of cancer.
Peptic Ulcers:
Limomin Glucoside and other flavonoids in mosambi heal peptic and oral ulcers with its antibiotic, detoxifying, anti carcinogenic, and antioxidant properties.
Peptic ulcers are open sores that occur on the inner lining of your esophagus, stomach or upper intestine and cause a lot of abdominal pain. The acids in lime juice provide relief against peptic ulcers by causing an alkaline reaction in the system, thus reducing gastric acidity.
For best results, you can drink a mixture of mosambi and lemon Juices. Drinking mosambi juice in warm water treats mouth ulcers and bad breath.
Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Mosambi is useful for curing swelling and inflammations because of the Vitamin C content. As such, you get relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Vitamin C has shown to have a protective effect against damage caused by inflammation of tissues. So, mosambi can actually help in conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis where the immune cells of the body cause inflammation of the tissues. It is also fairly rich in folic acid that plays a role in supporting bone and joint health.
Vitamin C is very useful for reducing the severity of problems like fever and cold. Mix a spoon of honey in mosambi juice and warm water. It soothes your inflamed tonsils and gives you relief from itchy and dry throat.
Urinary Problems:
Potassium in mosambi is very useful for detoxifying kidneys and the bladder. It cures any infection in the urinary tract. Being rich in potassium, mosambi juice helps in treating urinary disorders such as cystitis. Cystitis is an inflammation of urinary bladder, also known as urinary tract infection (UTI). Mosambi juice boiled in water should be taken within a couple of hours after cooling for immediate relief in cystitis. Potassium facilitates the detoxification process of kidneys and bladder, preventing various types of urinary tract infections.
Weight Loss
Mosambi is an ideal snack that can drive away your hunger, reenergize you and satiate you. One medium sized mosambi gives you only about 86 calories. Plus it gives a feeling of fullness due to its high water content and pulpy nature.
Mix lime juice and honey in lukewarm water to aid in weight loss. The cholesterol level is controlled, and blood pressure is also kept normal.
The functioning of heart is improved if you consume mosambi juice daily. This improves blood circulation and makes your immune system stronger. Vitamin C prevents cold and improves immunity.
Beneficial in Diabetes:
Mosambi juice is beneficial for diabetes patients. To treat diabetes, you can mix 2 teaspoons mosambi juice, 4 teaspoons amla juice and 1 teaspoon honey and take this on an empty stomach every morning for best results.
Good for Eyes:
Due to its antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties, this juice protects your eyes from infections and muscular degeneration. Washing your eyes with a few drops of mosambi juice mixed in plain or salt water can help in treating infections like conjunctivitis.
Common Cold:
Being rich in vitamin C, mosambi juice helps in clearing common cold and improves the body’s resistance towards cold.
Lowers Cholesterol:
Drinking mosambi juice reduces cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.
Skin Benefits of Mosambi Juice:

Mosambi juice has an important role to play in skincare. Being rich in vitamin C, it improves the skin color naturally and is used in several beauty products and alternative medicine supplements and vitamins. Some of its skin benefits are:
Treatment of Pigmentation, Spots and Blemishes:
Mosambi juice treats various pigmentation issues such as spots, pimples and blemishes. For this purpose, apply fresh mosambi juice on the affected area at bedtime and wash with warm water the next day.
Prevention of Skin Problems:

Mosambi juice is great for skin health due to the presence of vitamins and minerals. Its antioxidant, antibiotic and disinfectant properties rejuvenate the skin by protecting it from infections. Mosambi juice cleanses your blood, thus providing relief against skin problems.
Treatment of Body Odor and Sweat:
Taking a bath with mosambi juice mixed water helps in tackling body odor and sweat.
Treatment of Cracked Lips:
Rubbing mosambi juice on lips 2-3 times a day can reduce the darkness of lips and also treats chapped lips.
Reduction of Swelling and Pain:
Applying a mixture of mosambi juice and castor oil on the affected area can lessen swelling and pain.
Hair Benefits of Mosambi Juice:
Being rich in vitamin C, minerals and copper, mosambi juice is beneficial for hair and is often used as an active ingredient in several hair products.
Benefits of Copper:
Mosambi juice contains copper. This mineral is involved in the formation of the pigment melanin which is responsible for imparting color to your hair.
Used as a Hair-wash:
Mosambi juice can be used as a last hair wash for removing all the grime left behind by the shampoo and conditioner, thus providing you with soft and shiny hair.
A Great Home Remedy Element
Apart from the health benefit of sweet lime, when consumed as a part of daily diet, it has enormous amounts of benefits as a home remedy element as well. Being a rich source of natural vitamin C, it is helpful in preventing from catching cold.
It reduces the duration of the cold and boosts the immunity system. According to the homeopathy school of treatment, sweet lime also has antiseptic and antiviral properties. It can boost the liver function and provide effective relief from gastrointestinal issues.
It can be said that one can safely add sweet lime to their daily diet and derive endless benefits from its curative properties, but it is advisable to seek the advice of a physician when you are trying to use for a certain medical condition.

Sweet Lime Orange Lemonade Recipe
Ingredients: Yields 3 longish glasses
Oranges 2 medium and ripe
Sweet lime ( Musambi)2 medium and juicy variety
Lemon 1 medium
Sweet basil leaves 4 to 5
Mint leaves 4
Tender coconut water 3 cups replace it with sparkling water ( soda) or plain chilled water.
Water 1/2 c
Sugar 1/3 c
Ice cubes to serve
Mint leaves a few for garnish
In a pan, combine water, sugar, basil and mint leaves.
Heat until the sugar is melted. We are just making a basic sugar syrup so make sure you dont over heat the mixture.
Once done, let it cool completely.
Run through a sieve to get rid of any impurities.
Discard the leaves.
Squeeze juice from oranges and sweet lime.
Combine this with the sugar syrup, squeeze lemon juice into the mixture, mix well and refrigerate for atleast 1 hour.
To serve, add 1/3 c
up of the citrus mixture, ice cubes and fill the remaining glass with tender coconut water.

 Dont squeeze the juice from the fruits before the sugar syrup cools down as they tend to turn bitter.

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Sleeping Positions And Their Effects

In what position do you sleep most often? It turns out this is a very important question. Getting enough sleep is the most important thing
but did you know that how you sleep can also impact your health?
Let’s take a look at eight common sleeping positions and what they do to your body.

Facts About Sleep


-The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes during a rocking chair marathon. The record holder reported hallucinations, paranoia, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory and concentration lapses.

- It's impossible to tell if someone is really awake without close medical supervision. People can take cat naps with their eyes open without even being aware of it.

- Anything less than five minutes to fall asleep at night means you're sleep deprived. The ideal is between 10 and 15 minutes, meaning you're still tired enough to sleep deeply, but not so exhausted you feel sleepy by day.

- A new baby typically results in 400-750 hours lost sleep for parents in the first year

- One of the best predictors of insomnia later in life is the development of bad habits from having sleep disturbed by young children.

- The continuous brain recordings that led to the discovery of REM (rapid eye-movement) sleep were not done until 1953, partly because the scientists involved were concerned about wasting paper.

- REM sleep occurs in bursts totalling about 2 hours a night, usually beginning about 90 minutes after falling asleep.

- Dreams, once thought to occur only during REM sleep, also occur (but to a lesser extent) in non-REM sleep phases. It's possible there may not be a single moment of our sleep when we are actually dreamless.

- REM dreams are characterised by bizarre plots, but non-REM dreams are repetitive and thought-like, with little imagery - obsessively returning to a suspicion you left your mobile phone somewhere, for example.

- Certain types of eye movements during REM sleep correspond to specific movements in dreams, suggesting at least part of the dreaming process is analagous to watching a film

- No-one knows for sure if other species dream but some do have sleep cycles similar to humans.

- Elephants sleep standing up during non-REM sleep, but lie down for REM sleep.

- Some scientists believe we dream to fix experiences in long-term memory, that is, we dream about things worth remembering. Others reckon we dream about things worth forgetting - to eliminate overlapping memories that would otherwise clog up our brains.

- Dreams may not serve any purpose at all but be merely a meaningless byproduct of two evolutionary adaptations - sleep and consciousness.

- REM sleep may help developing brains mature. Premature babies have 75 per cent REM sleep, 10 per cent more than full-term bubs. Similarly, a newborn kitten puppy rat or hampster experiences only REM sleep, while a newborn guinea pig (which is much more developed at birth) has almost no REM sleep at all.

- Scientists have not been able to explain a 1998 study showing a bright light shone on the backs of human knees can reset the brain's sleep-wake clock.

- British Ministry of Defence researchers have been able to reset soldiers' body clocks so they can go without sleep for up to 36 hrs. Tiny optical fibres embedded in special spectacles project a ring of bright white light (with a spectrum identical to a sunrise) around the edge of soldiers' retinas, fooling them into thinking they have just woken up. The system was first used on US pilots during the bombing of Kosovo.

- Seventeen hours of sustained wakefulness leads to a decrease in performance equivalent to a blood alcohol-level of 0.05%.

- The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill off Alaska, the Challenger space shuttle disaster and the Chernobyl nuclear accident have all been attributed to human errors in which sleep-deprivation played a role.

- The NRMA estimates fatigue is involved in one in 6 fatal road accidents.

- Exposure to noise at night can suppress immune function even if the sleeper doesn’t wake. Unfamiliar noise, and noise during the first and last two hours of sleep, has the greatest disruptive effect on the sleep cycle.

- The "natural alarm clock" which enables some people to wake up more or less when they want to is caused by a burst of the stress hormone adrenocorticotropin. Researchers say this reflects an unconscious anticipation of the stress of waking up.

- Some sleeping tablets, such as barbiturates suppress REM sleep, which can be harmful over a long period.

- In insomnia following bereavement, sleeping pills can disrupt grieving.

- Tiny luminous rays from a digital alarm clock can be enough to disrupt the sleep cycle even if you do not fully wake. The light turns off a "neural switch" in the brain, causing levels of a key sleep chemical to decline within minutes.

- To drop off we must cool off; body temperature and the brain's sleep-wake cycle are closely linked. That's why hot summer nights can cause a restless sleep. The blood flow mechanism that transfers core body heat to the skin works best between 18 and 30 degrees. But later in life, the comfort zone shrinks to between 23 and 25 degrees - one reason why older people have more sleep disorders.

- A night on the grog will help you get to sleep but it will be a light slumber and you won't dream much.

- After five nights of partial sleep deprivation, three drinks will have the same effect on your body as six would when you've slept enough.

- Humans sleep on average around three hours less than other primates like chimps, rhesus monkeys, squirrel monkeys and baboons, all of whom sleep for 10 hours.

- Ducks at risk of attack by predators are able to balance the need for sleep and survival, keeping one half of the brain awake while the other slips into sleep mode.

- Ten per cent of snorers have sleep apnoea, a disorder which causes sufferers to stop breathing up to 300 times a night and significantly increases the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

- Snoring occurs only in non-REM sleep

- Teenagers need as much sleep as small children (about 10 hrs) while those over 65 need the least of all (about six hours). For the average adult aged 25-55, eight hours is considered optimal

- Some studies suggest women need up to an hour's extra sleep a night compared to men, and not getting it may be one reason women are much more susceptible to depression than men.

- Feeling tired can feel normal after a short time. Those deliberately deprived of sleep for research initially noticed greatly the effects on their alertness, mood and physical performance, but the awareness dropped off after the first few days.

- Diaries from the pre-electric-light-globe Victorian era show adults slept nine to 10 hours a night with periods of rest changing with the seasons in line with sunrise and sunsets.

- Most of what we know about sleep we've learned in the past 25 years.

- As a group, 18 to 24 year-olds deprived of sleep suffer more from impaired performance than older adults.

- Experts say one of the most alluring sleep distractions is the 24-hour accessibility of the internet.

- The extra-hour of sleep received when clocks are put back at the start of daylight in Canada has been found to coincide with a fall in the number of road accidents. 

Monday, 13 October 2014

BlackSeeds Benefits ( Kalonji )

Nigella Sativa / Blackseed / Kalonji
According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH);
Black seed is “A cure for every disease except death.”
                                                                        (Sahih Bukhari).  

Common Names 
In English, Nigella sativa seed is variously called fennel flower, nutmeg flower, black caraway,and Roman coriander.Other names used, sometimes misleadingly, are black cumin,onion seed and black sesame. Blackseed and black caraway
Nigella sativa seeds have a special smell. In medical field Kalonji is used as an antiseptic medicine also. The seeds of Kalonji contain phosphorus, iron, and carbohydrate compound in abundance. After the chemical analysis of Kalonji seeds this fact has come to the light that it has carotene (yellowish substance). It converts into vitamin 'A' after inserting into the liver.
Above all it contains so many compounds, which are useful in digestive system. It cures urinal diseases. It increases the resisting power of the body and has special strength in curing all types of diseases.
Kalonji oil contains special type of fat ingredients Linolatic acid 60% and nearly 21% Lipase. It has capacity to keep the body cool in hot temperature. Mostly its seeds are used as medicine.
Its seeds contain special substance Saponin Volatile oil and Nigelline a bitter tasting substance. These substances of Kalonji cure urinal problems.
BlackSeed Oil:
Black seed oil is a essence of Nigella Sativa commonly known as Kalonji in Pakistan/India region. It has long use in herbal medicine because it offers great number of health benefits. A famous component or key component of black seed oil is thymoquinone. Uses of back seed oil boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Research shows uses of black seed oil in daily meal or as treatment has immense benefits especially for health issues. Black seed oil has immense benefits for health. Millions of people are found using black seed oil as treatment. It is very effective and provides unlimited benefits to cure medical problems
Black seed has long history of use. From literature and research it is found that black seed were often used as tradition in their meal. Now and these days people are getting more aware in use of black seed or black seed oil. Especially now and these days people are using as treatment for different medical problems.

Kalonji For Weight Loss

Warm Water (bit hot)
oTake 1 glass of warm water, add 1 lemon-juice and drink.
oNow again take half glass of warm water, take 3-5 mg Kalonji in a spoon, and swallow that with water.
oTake 1 spoon (20-22 g) of pure natural honey.
Empty-stomach in the morning, about 30-45 minutes before taking the breakfast.

Kalonji powder 250gm
White cumin seed (safad zera) powder 50gm
Black cumin seed (kala zera) powder 50gm
Black salt (kala namak)to tast
Mix all powders together take daily ½ tsp twice a day along with lukewarm water (neemgram pani) This is most effect remedy for weight loss

Kalonji powder 12gm
Carom Seeds (Ajwain ) powder 12gm
Funnel seeds (sounf ) powder 12 gm
Cinnamons powder (dar chinni) 12gm
Mix all powders together take daily ½ tsp twice a day along with water. This is another most effect remedy for weight loss

BlackSeed Oil Cure
Cough and Asthma:

oTake one spoon of black seed oil and mix it with boiling water and try to inhale its vapors twice a day. Also apply black seed oil to the chest with soft fingers once a day. Use one tea spoon of black seed oil daily before breakfast is also good for cough and asthma. Similarly it is also good for Bronchial and respiratory problems.
oTake a cup of warm water, one spoon of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Mix this together and drink in the morning before the breakfast. Similarly after dinner in the night. Treatment for forty days . Avoid cool food stuff.
Cystic fibrosis:
Make a mixture of black seed oil with honey in suitable quantity and take one tea spoons daily after meal. Also use black seed oil as massage to chest before sleeping.
Make a mixture of black seed, pomegranate peel and fumitory. Use suitable quantity i.e. 3-5 tea spoon of black seed, half cup of pomegranate peel and one cup of pure water. Use that mixture with one tea spoon of black seed oil daily before breakfast.Avoid oily food particularly fried items.
Dry Cough:
Take one tea spoon of black seed oil with coffee or cup of tea twice a day; also rub black seed oil on your chest and back before going to bed at night.
Heart Attack :
In a cup of goat milk add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and us this mixture twice a day. Continue treatment for ten days. After ten days use daily once.

Avoid all kind of fatty food
Eye disease & impaired vision:
Black seed is also good for eye disease & impaired vision, use black seed oil and rub your eyelids and the sides of your eye orbit for thirty minutes with black seed oil. Take 1-2 tea spoon of black seed oil with carrot juice before going to bed at night and at early in the morning before doing breakfast.
Facial paralysis & tetanus Polio
oFacial paralysis and tetanus is a great problem especially for beauty concern people. Inhaling vapor of black seed oil with boiling water is helpful to eliminate paralysis and tetanus with causes.
oTake one cup of warm water, add one spoon of honey and half tea spoon kalonji oil and use this mixture twice daily and for childrenŲ¢'s in two spoons milk add 3 drops of Kalonji oil of warm water, this mixture three times a day. Treatment continues forty days.
oDaily put one drop of Kalonji oil in the nostril, which is opposite to Polio side, use half spoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon of honey
Flu & Nasal Congestion:
Use 2-3 drops of black seed oil in each nostril, relieves nasal congestion and head at cold distress.
Gall stone and Kidney Problem: 

Black seed oil is very effective for kidney and gall stone. 
Take 250 gram pure form of black seed and mix it properly with 250 gram pure honey, take two tea spoon of that mixture and add a cup of hot water with it. Finally take 1.5 tea spoon of black seed oil with it and take it before doing breakfast for two weeks regularly and next two weeks with one day gap.
Kidney Infection
Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil; add 2 grams Akar khara Powder, mix one spoon honey with one cup of water and drink. This treatment is also useful for chronic cough (Purani Khansi). Treatment may continue 21 days.

Breast Feeding (Increase flow of milk):
Those female who are worried to feed their children should use the mixture of black seed oil and pure honey. Make a mixture of 250 gram of black seed in pure form and 250 gram of pure honey, make a mixture properly and then take two tea spoon of that mixture with two tea spoon of black seed oil at night and early in the morning. You will be wonder due to its output.
For Hypertension:
One cup of boiling water with one tea spoon of black seed oil twice a day will give you relief from hypertension. Also rub black seed oil on your whole body and expose your body to the sun light in summer season or bearable sunlight.
Heart problems and Veins Constriction:
Daily use one tea spoon with hot water before doing breakfast, it will dissolve the fats and widen the veins and arteries.
For Headache and Ear ache:
Black seed is very effective for head ache and ear pain. Rub black seed oil on your fore head and painful area with slightly fingers, back side of ear and neck with slightly message. Drink one tea spoon of black seed oil in winter season and half tea spoon in hot season for one week.
Teeth problem:
Make a mixture of one tea spoon black seed oil with half cup of bearable hot water, gargle your mouth with that mixture and after five minutes use black seed oil on effected area; your pain will alleviate quickly.
High blood pressure:
oTake one tea spoon of black seed wit one tea spoon of pure honey, mix some garlic pieces and take it before doing breakfast for three weeks, By using this you will notice the output and become shock.
o In any hot drink tea/ coffee , add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Also eat two cloves of Garlic daily
Make your Memory sharp:
oTake ½ tea spoon of black seed and mix it with pure honey, use it for four weeks and makes your memory sharp.
o take 10 gm. Mint (Pudina leaves) and boil it with the water and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. Treatment continues for twenty days.
o Make a powder of black seed and use it with bearable hot water once in a day.
oTake half tea spoon of kalonji oil and mix with cold water and drink.Insha-Allah piles will be cured.
oTake one spoon of Vinegar and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and apply on piles. This process may be used twice a day.
Avoid Guava, Banana and Sitaphal
Bee & Wasp stings:
Take half tea spoon of black seed in pure form and boil them in water.
Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey mix them and add half tea spoon Kalonji oil use it twice a day. During this treatment cold food should not be taken.

Avoid guava, Banana, Sitaphal for three years.
Take one cup of milk, add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (one in the morning and once after the dinner). Treatment may continue for a week. 

Avoid fatty and sour eatable items.
For Good Health
1 Kg. of wheat flour add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and make roti and eat. Insha-Allah! You will remain healthy.
Kidney pain:
Take 250 grams Kalonji grind it and take one cup of honey, mix together. Out of this mixture take two spoons mixture and add half cup water and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil use it once a day. Treatment may continue for twenty days.
White/Black Spots on Skin:
In one cup of vinegar add half spoon Kalonji oil and apply that on the affected area before going to sleep in the night and take bath in the morning. Treatment may continue until you get cured.
Round Worms /Tap Worms In The Stomach:
Take half spoon Vinegar mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day and eat some coconut pieces. 

Avoid sugar items.
Cracked Heals:
Take one glass of sweet lime (Mosambi) Juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this twice a day. 

Avoid chicken, egg, brinjal
Gastric Troubles
Take 60 grams Ajwan ½ spoon Kalonji Oil and mix lime juice let it dry in the sun add 10 grams black salt by crushing and use daily once in the evening.
Gases and Acidity
Mix 10 grams of ginger juice with 5 grams Kalonji Oil add some salt and water. Use mixture for immediate relief.
Kalonji Oil for Hair Loss
Kalonji oil for hair is an important home remedy to make hair smooth and stronger. However, many people don’t know how to use Kalonji oil on hair.
oKalonji oil cures baldness. Rub Kalonji oil on the head twice a day, which is helpful to prevent baldness. Baldness can also be prevented when a mixture of coffee (one cup) is taken along with Kalonji oil (1/2 spoon) twice a day.
oRub your hair with lime juice, leave it for 15 minutes. Now, wash it with shampoo and use Kalonji oil when hair gets dry. Following the procedure for one week will help you to prevent premature falling of hair.
oHeat the mix of Kalonji oil (10 grams), Olive oil (30 grams) and Mehandi powder (30 grams) for few minutes till it converted into paste. Apply the paste over your head and wash it. The method is helpful to get rid of dandruff.
Kalonji Oil for Migraine
Kalonji oil is good in the treatment of headache.
oTo cure migraine, it is suggested to instil Kalonji oil (one drop) in the opposite nasal area of the headache. It is useful to cure half sided headache.
oTo relieve from headache, massage with Kalonji oil is also effective.
It is also suggested that Kalonji treatment is helpful in getting rid of migraine when 10 drops of Kalonji oil is taken once a day.
oRubbing of Kalonji oil on the forehead and near ears are beneficial to headache.
oDrinking of Kalonji black cumin oil half tea spoon twice a day is good to overcome migraine.
Kalonji for Stomach Pain Cure

Kalonji oil is helpful in stomach ache of children.
oChildren can be given the mix of Kalonji oil (2 drops) and mother or cow’s milk in case the child experiencing stomach pain.
oTake the mix of Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) and milk (1 cup) twice a day, it helps to give relief from chest irritation and stomach related problems.
oThe combination of ginger juice (1 tsp) and Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) when drink twice a day, eases indigestion, stomach irritation and stomach ache.
oDigestion of food will enhance when the mix of Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp), Vinegar (1/2 tsp) and Sugar (1tsp) are taken twice a day in the evening and morning. It should continue for 10 days.
oThe mix of Honey (200 gm) and Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) when uses in the morning and evening, is helpful in diseases of liver and abdomen.
oTake Vinegar (1/2 tsp) and Kalonji Oil (1/2 tsp), the ingredients are useful in overcoming the problems of round worm and tape worm in the stomach.
Kalonji Oil for Pain Relief
Kalonji alone or in combination with other herbs are beneficial for pain relief.
oThe mix of vinegar (1tsp), honey (2 tsp) and kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) when taken twice a day is helpful in pain management.
oThe massage with black seeds oil is helpful for relieving the effects of arthritis.
oEating two pieces of dry fig along with 4 drops of kalonji oil is beneficial in treatment of joint pain, back ache, and neck pain.
Kalonji for Dental Problems
Kalonji oil is very effective at treating of dental problems and dental diseases.
oTo get relief from tooth pain and teeth soreness, Kalonji oil can be rubbed at the affected part. Continue the after 15 seconds.
oGargling Black seed oil (1/2 tsp) mix with water helps to solve teeth problems.
oDental problems such as premature fall of teeth, teeth weakening, bleeding from teeth, bad smell, etc. it is advisable to take the mix of Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) and 1 cup of curd twice a day.
oDental problems can be sorted out when Kalonji oil soaked cotton is put on the affected area and remove it after 15-20 minutes. It may be continued foe seven days to solve teeth problems.
oThe combination of vinegar (1 tsp) and Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) when applied on the affected area for two to three minutes and rinsed the mouth. It is teeth caring and helpful in removing of teeth pain.
Kalonj Oil Beauty Tips
Kalonji can be used as herbal beauty tips at home.
oThe mix of olive oil (1 tsp) and Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) rubs on the face, left it for an hour and wash it with shampoo. Continue it for a week. This is one of the fine beauty tips for face.
oTake a cup of orange juice and mix Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) twice a day, generally in the morning and before going to bed. One can observe the beauty benefits of kalonji oil after four weeks. It is beneficial against pimples, red granules and blackheads.
oThe mix of Sunheri gearu (10 gms) and few drops of Kalonji oil, applied on the face at night and wash it in the morning. This tips helps in glowing of skin.
oMake a mixture of olive oil and kalonji oil (50 gms of each). Drink half spoon of the same in the morning before breakfast. The combination is helpful as an herbal skin care tips.
oTake the mix of honey (2tsp) + Kalonji oil (1/2 tsp) + olive oil (1/2 tsp). Mix all the ingredients properly. Use it twice a day-once in the morning and secondly in the evening and continue for one months. It is helpful in skin care and skin smooth.
oThe application of kalonji oil and vinegar is good to control skin diseases. It should be applied before going to bed.
Kalonji Oil Side Effects
Kalonji oil contains Glucoside, which is toxic in nature. Therefore, the use of Kalonji oil in large quantity should be avoided. It is also undesirable to use black seeds oil for a longer period of time

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider

Monday, 6 October 2014

Ankle Injuries Sprains and strains Homoeopathic Remedies

Ankle injuries are defined by the kind of tissue -- bone, ligament, or tendon -- that's damaged. The ankle is where three bones meet -- the tibia and fibula of your lower leg with the talus of your foot. These bones are held together at the ankle joint by ligaments, which are strong elastic bands of connective tissue that keep the bones in place while allowing normal ankle motion. Tendons attach muscles to the bones to do the work of making the ankle and foot move, and help keep the joints stable.
A sprain is the term that describes damage to ligaments when they are stretched beyond their normal range of motion. A ligament sprain can range from many microscopic tears in the fibers that comprise the ligament to a complete tear or rupture.
A strain refers to damage to muscles and tendons as a result of being pulled or stretched too far.
Severity of sprains and strains
A physician categorizes sprains and strains according to severity. A Grade I (mild) sprain or strain involves some stretching or minor tearing of a ligament or muscle. A Grade II (moderate) sprain or strain is a ligament or muscle that is partially torn but still intact. A Grade III (severe) sprain or strain means that the ligament or muscle is completely torn, resulting in joint instability.

Limited ability to move the affected joint
At the time of injury, you may hear or feel a "pop" in your joint
Muscle spasms
Limited ability to move the affected muscle

A sprain occurs when you overextend or tear a ligament while severely stressing a joint. Sprains often occur in the following circumstances:
Ankle. Walking or exercising on an uneven surface
Knee. Pivoting during an athletic activity
Wrist. Landing on an outstretched hand during a fall
Thumb. Skiing or playing racquet sports, such as tennis
There are two types of strains: acute and chronic. An acute strain occurs when a muscle becomes strained or pulled — or may even tear — when it stretches unusually far or abruptly. Acute strains often occur in the following ways:
Slipping on ice
Running, jumping or throwing
Lifting a heavy object or lifting in an awkward position

Chronic strain
A chronic strain results from prolonged, repetitive movement of a muscle. This may occur on the job or during sports, such as:
Prevention Tips
No one is immune to sprains and strains, but here are some tips developed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons to help reduce your injury risk:
Participate in a conditioning program to build muscle strength
Do stretching exercises daily
Always wear properly fitting shoes
Nourish your muscles by eating a well-balanced diet
Warm up before any sports activity, including practice
Use or wear protective equipment appropriate for that sport
Grade I injuries usually heal quickly with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). Therapeutic exercise can also help restore strength and flexibility. 

Grade II injuries are treated similarly but may require immobili-zation of the injured area to permit healing. 

Grade III sprains and strains usually require immobilization and possibly surgery to restore function.

Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic remedies can significantly speed the healing of strains and sprains
Rub Arnica ointment or gel externally in addition to an internal homeopathic remedy.
Rhus Toxicodendron--- is the most frequently used remedy for strains, sprains, torn ligaments, and tendonitis. Use this remedy when the stiffness is worse during initial motion and gets better as the person continues to move. It works especially well after lifting something heavy or overexertion.

Ruta ---is the best remedy for torn or wrenched tendons or ligaments. Use Ruta after the initial swelling and pain has decreased. Ruta can also be used when Rhus Toxicodendron did not bring a desirable relief.
This remedy is helpful for injuries to tendons, joints, and muscles, and has a special affinity to the coverings of the bones (the periosteum). Bone-bruises, barked shins, or any injury that leads to stiffness and aching may respond. Ruta is often useful after Arnica for sprains, pulled muscles, and connective tissue injuries.
Arnica---when you have a considerable swelling, bruising, and inflammation. Switch to Rhus Toxicodendron or another remedy after the swelling and bruising has gone.
This is the major remedy for new traumatic injuries—especially bruises, sprains, and concussions. Symptoms are worse from touch and motion. Arnica can be helpful for painful bruising and tissue-damage caused by surgery and dental work—given preventively before an anticipated injury, and used to treat the soreness afterward. It is also helpful in preventing shock. 
Bryonia---f your pain is worsened by the slightest motion and continued motion only makes it worse. There could be swelling of the injured joint, but it is not as prominent as with Arnica.
Ledum---is a great remedy for ankle sprains, especially when the injured part feels cold or numb and is better from cold applications

This remedy is indicated for injuries that lead to puffy swelling, especially when ice-packs or cold applications bring relief. 
Sprained ankles or knees, bashed noses, black eyes, or any kind of bruising injury that is painful and very swollen may respond to Ledum.
Aconitum napellus--- This remedy can be helpful when a person feels extremely fearful or agitated after being injured. It may help to soothe anxiety and panic and reduce the chance of shock.Bellis perennis--- This remedy is useful for injuries to the trunk and deeper tissues—as from falls, car accidents, surgery, etc. —especially if a feeling of stiffness or coldness develops in the injured area. If Arnica has been given for an injury—especially a strain or bruise—but has not had much effect, Bellis perennis may be helpful.
Calcarea phosphorica--- This remedy is useful for bone bruises, old or slow-healing fractures, or any injury that leads to soreness in the bones, especially if the area feels cold or numb and improves with warmth. The muscles near the injury may ache or stiffen.
Calendula--- This is a very helpful remedy for cuts and scrapes or other injuries with broken skin. Potentized Calendula can be taken internally, to prevent or combat infection if a cut or scrape becomes inflamed. Herbal calendula can be applied directly to wounds as an ointment, lotion, or diluted tincture.
Hypericum--- This remedy is indicated for injuries to body areas with many nerves, such as fingertips and toes, the genitals, the spine and tailbone, and the eyeballs. Shooting pains, a feeling of “jangled nerves,” and pains mixed with tingling and numbness are strong indications. People with concussions, nerve pain after surgeries and root-canals, or bites and puncture wounds may benefit from Hypericum.
Ipecacuanha---This remedy can be helpful as first aid if heavy bleeding occurs after an injury, with a feeling of nausea and weakness. (Emergency care is crucial when serious bleeding occurs; pressure should be applied to a severely bleeding wound, and medical help should be found immediately.)
Millefolium---Contusions or sprains that involve small broken blood-vessels and lead to bruiselike bleeding beneath the skin suggest the use of this remedy. It is often also useful for nosebleeds after injury, and for bleeding in other parts of the body (for instance, after childbirth or surgery).
Phosphorus--- When small wounds bleed easily, or a person has a tendency to bruise from minor injuries, this remedy can be helpful. It is also useful for nosebleeds.

Symphytum---This remedy is best known for its healing effect on broken bones, and is also good for bone-bruises. It is valuable if blunt injury occurs to the eyeball (from a rock, a stick, a flying object, etc.) Any injury to the eye or eyeball should be examined by a doctor.
Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.

The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider